Similar movies?
What are some similar movies?
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart
The Omega Man
I, Am Legend
TLMOE inspired the Night Of The Living Dead movies.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter.
I've never seen The Omega Man.
I saw Logan's Run, FINALLY, on TCM a couple of years ago around Halloween, though, and it was good.
I've seen the "I am Legend" version w/Will Smith that this movie inspired.
Are there any other versions of "I am Legend?"
Thanks, for the tidbit about LMOE inspiring "Night of the Living Dead" because I would've NEVER know that had you not informed me of this interesting fact.
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart
Most of the films I'll list won't have zombies or vampires or anything of the type but they do feature a minimal cast and a post-catastrophe earth. I'm guessing there would be more movies along this line in the horror genre.
Five (1951)
The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) - My favourite...
Invasion of the Triffids (1963) - Apparently The Day of the Triffids (1983) is better...
Robinson Crusoe On Mars (1964)
Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozon (1967) (Czech)
The Noah (1975)
Malevil (1981)
Le Dernier Combat (1983)
The Quiet Earth (1985)
Dead Man's Letters (1986)
Proini Peripolis (1987)
Monsters (2010)
There would be a quote here from the The Man Who Came to Dinner but alas it is far too long for IMDB
by si-sak » 1 day ago (Tue Apr 14 2015 02:47:05)
IMDb member since January 2008
Most of the films I'll list won't have zombies or vampires or anything of the type but they do feature a minimal cast and a post-catastrophe earth. I'm guessing there would be more movies along this line in the horror genre.
Five (1951)
The World, The Flesh and the Devil (1959) - My favourite...
Invasion of the Triffids (1963) - Apparently The Day of the Triffids (1983) is better...
Robinson Crusoe On Mars (1964)
Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozon (1967) (Czech)
The Noah (1975)
Malevil (1981)
Le Dernier Combat (1983)
The Quiet Earth (1985)
Dead Man's Letters (1986)
Proini Peripolis (1987)
Monsters (2010)
There would be a quote here from the The Man Who Came to Dinner but alas it is far too long for IMDB
It's a good thing!-Martha Stewartshare