There was a movie I saw when I was really little where a guy looks through the window and gets stuck and a woman comes outof the shadows and cuts his ear off. I posted this on the "I need to know" page and someone replied and said it was this movie. Just wanted to double check if this was it. Does that sound familiar?
I can't really give you a double check because I'm the guy that answered your question on the "I Need To Know" board, but I'm positive that this is the film you saw. You described the first scene in the film, and I just watched it a couple of months ago. BTW, your description was better on the INTK board, so you might want to update your description here if you plan to leave this post.
This board doesn't get much action, so you'll probably get a faster confirmation by bumping your thread on the "I Need To Know" board and asking if anyone else there can verify that this is the correct answer.
Good luck...
You can catch the devil, You just can't hold him very long...
no, this is good enough for me. I need to see if I can find it now. I also read about it in my "Video Hound's Horror Show" by Mike Mayo. You should get it if you don't have it.
OK cool. I don't know why I didn't think of this yesterday, but I was coming back to give you a couple of links to clips. The first one is the exact scene you described, although it's not good quality because it was made by shooting a TV screen with a camcorder. The second one is an old trailer.
Now that you've decided to get the movie, you might try Netflix. I got it quickly there for a minimal rental fee. Although, it is certainly worth buying, if that's what you'd prefer!
I've looked at various video stores and couldn't find it yet. I'd hate to buy it and not rent if if I don't like it. BUt I simply HAVE to see it again.