was Emily 'whacked' too? (spoilers!!)

we were discussing peter being deranged too.....but remember how Emily behaves after being, -*ahem*, 'accosted' by ralph...afterwards she seems in LOVE with ralph, and only scratches his eyes out when she catches him 'playing' with ann....this leads me to believe the line about the 'lion cub who's tame until he eats meat...'. Now, that does support what others have claimed: namely, that the other branch suffered too, only it took longer AND needed a 'trigger'... of course, I want to remind everyone that simply because peter's daughter looks at a spider and smiles, well, that may mean nothing....

however...it seems the story IS implying that both Emily and Peter suffer from it, take the clues: Bruno never says how far back the 'inbreeding' occured; Pete's goofy and odd behaviour; his claim 'I like spiders'; Emily going after ralph and calling him lovingly after being basically raped, then scratching his eyes out; even previous behaviour- like Emily's driving- sems out of place, AND-
Emily acted crazy at the end, if the disease gets worse w/ age, yes....unky pete's a kook, so's his larva.

anybody else pick up on those points, or am I crazY..?
(Answer: yes and YES.)


At first I thought her soft and alluring demeanor was merely a ruse to lure Ralph, but that's an interesting speculation. I think the disease was starting to take effect on her or something.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


You also notice that after Ralph assualts her, she *lovingly* seeks him out and only scratches his eyes out when she catches him w/ Ann...! Yeah, and also notice how goofy Peter acts at certain points? Someone pointed out that Peter's daughter might actually be the offspring of Ralph....something I never thought about.


She Does Look an Awful LOt like a "Little Ralphie".. You Never Know.


I love that, it's a brilliant twist to the film. I didn't expect the story to be that deep so it went over my head.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Yes...and here is something else: only the *female* members of the family are murderers....! While Ralph is degenerate, he never physically hurts anyone.....and what happens after he and Emily drop down...? It becomes apparent that Emily enjoyed it, did Ralph even really FORCE her?? (that would explain why Peter has a DAUGHTER instead of a son, 'cause she'll be bound to murder...)
We are left with another possible conclusion, now: namely, that only the female members of the family ever kill or attack anyone....the only thing the male members do (including Uncle Ned) is act goofy.

Peter's gradual goofy behavior is suspect; and, as for his daughter, someone stated in another board that "Ralph doesn't have enough time" to assault Ann....wrong!
Ralph has several minutes with Ann; By the time Elizabeth warns Virginia, there is more than enough time.
Isn't it great to have a little movie that teases you, keeps you thinking? And it's just a cheap B movie...! Also:

Check out 'Forbidden Zone' by oingo boingo...VERY weird. AND-
"night tide" w/ a young Dennis Hopper.


Forbidden Zone is one of my favorite movies and a main inspiration for my sci-fi/satire novel. I'll definitely look for Night Tide (I like Hopper). I can tell already you appreciate quirky cinema of genuine quality so I'll probably enjoy that one too.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Thanks, it's pretty obvious you also like the quirkies....if you enjoy symbolism, you will enjoy 'night tide'. I watched it a few times, now convinced it is pure symbolism...
I'm also pretty sure you have seen 'eraserhead', another symbol-laden film; 'Carnival of souls' is fantastic, 'Night of the ghouls' , an E.D. Wood film that completes 'plan 9' and 'bride/monster'...... "house of dark shadows', 'Pit and Pendulum', 'Don't be afraid of the dark', (I interviewed the writer Nigel McKeand, made him creatures from the movie) 'Town that dreaded sundown', 'Gargoyles', 'Omega man', 'Night of the living Dead', original '13 ghosts'......I collect and trade DVD's, if you are looking to trade, let me know...

Films like 'forbidden zone' made me and my buddies scream w/ laughter, especially the '3 stooges' parody, 'B ay-bay, Bee E bee, B I biggy by....'..think of how creative they were, to put together a film like that, on a mini budget!! And here we have big name studios that can't make entertainment for billions of $$.

Glad to know you write; I just completed a musical, can't find a musician to help me make it work right...
it's called 'Lust-ray Aliens from Planet 'X' (Crash the Monster Party!!)' ...you can pretty much guess what it's about!
I'll be busy the next few days, but if you are interested in trading, or finding movies (even if you can't remember the name, just describing), let me know-


Is "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" that one about a woman trapped at home with little demons running around? I haven't seen it, but I desperately want to, as it looks scary as hell. I think it's available on YouTube so I might watch it there. I had The Town That Dreaded Sundown on VHS, but someone sold it without my consent before I had a chance to watch it.

The thing I love about Forbidden Zone is that it looks incredibly good for a low budget film from 1980. I mean it looks more recent than it is. The soundtrack is great too... especially Danny Elfman's version of Minnie the Moocher. Other cult favorites of mine include Tourist Trap, Troll 2 (painful to sit through) and C.H.U.D.

Your musical sounds hilarious. I think it would be right up my alley. Let's keep in touch.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Thanks, YES, 'Don't be afraid/dark' was written by Nigel McKeand, he was also the main original writer/re-creator for 'the waltons' and he was also the sonar man on the 'seaview' sub from 'voyage/bottom/sea' t.v. show! It was very short/quickly done due to a writer's strike; only about 72 minutes long.

You can find the facts about it on the boards here, Nigel was great, you can both read the main portion of my interview and the facts about it, AND you can see my 3 home-made action figures I created and then sent to him...(his 'thank you' letter is amongst my most prized possessions).

That movie gave me nightmares, and I mean leave-the-light-on-don't-let-the-thing-under-the-bed-grab-you, something-in-the-closet-is-F-in'-SLOBBERING nightmares!

Also, I made a c'thulhu statue according to Lovecraft's description, you can find/see it on the boards at 'Dunwich horror, (2008)' and also at 'call of c'thulhu' boards. I often create stuff like that.
I recommend-if you haven't seen them- 'bucket of blood', original 'lil shop of horrors', 'web of the spider', 'children shouldn't play w/ dead things',and if you liked 'futurama, there are 3 (soon to be 4) Futurama movies.
and I am a HUGE mystery-science-3000 fan, I have the mst version of 'robot monster', several others.
'Town that dreaded sundown' is based on the Arkansas 'moonlight murders', some tense stuff, too much padding. Same guy made the ridiculous 'Boggy Creek 2: the legend continues"


I've seen Bucket of Blood, and, though it may be hard to believe, the original Little Shop of Horrors is one of my favorite movies and I prefer it over the later musical version.

Speaking of Boggy Creek, I actually liked the first one. The quasi-documentary atmosphere made it effectively creepy. I did see the second one on MST3K. It was schlocky but decent, maybe because of the robots riffing on it.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Yes, I too admit I like the original 'shop'.....my DENTIST is a huge fan of both movies, especially, of course, Steve Martin's role....When he extracted 4 of my teeth at once, (yeeee-OOOOWCH, BTW,), he leaned over me as I lay in the chair and said, "Do you feel like singing like BILL MURRAY NOW??" !!!! Martin *makes* that movie; after he's gone, it's downhill- (I also completed my sculpture, "dead cat" from 'bucket', but nobody even knows what it is....I was freaking people out by whispering to it, "Repetition is DEATH, Franky....remember that...!" LOL!)

I gave him many movies over the years, he is just old enough to have seen "House on haunted hill" in the local bradley theatre when it first played, and actually described the "ghost" that floated above the audience as part of that William Castle schlock-effect so popular in his movies!
I don't remember ever seeing the 1st 'boggy creek', I have a buddy that totally buys the bigfoot thing, I don't.
Also: I saw 'giant spider invasion' in the theater, imagine my joy when it went MST3K. Well, I have a cold or something now so I won't be around for a bit, gotta get rest, see ya later-


I agree about Steve Martin stealing the show. I liked his song the best. felt sorry for the cat in Bucket :[

William Castle was a creative guy... I like Mr. Sardonicus the best (really creepy), but the theater gimmick for The Tingler is the most memorable. I wonder if there's footage of those ghosts/skeleton special effects from original screenings of House on Haunted Hill... anyway the film company known as Dark Castle remade a few of Castle's films, as you probably know... and they were terrible.

I recommend the first Boggy Creek movie since, as I said, it actually manages to be atmospheric in a "fake documentary" kind of way. Most of the people appearing onscreen are actual locals telling real anecdotes.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Thanks guy, I'll check it out when I can; I can add that Pierce also did 'the town that dreaded sundown', a schlocky but well done 'docudrama' based on real events that I recently aquired.
AND- (to all)
If you haven't already, check out "forbidden zone"!! It's like a betty-boop cartoon mixed with music, mayhem, nightmares, and about 3 times the amount of LSD that any human should *EVER* consume.....put it in a cracked blender, and serve over some ABSINTHE...! I LOVE that movie....it, and this, have become my favorites, along with 'frankenstein's castle of freaks'...
Also 'dracula vs frankenstein', wow, what a stinker!!!
Hey, let me know if there are any 'cult movies' you have seen that I may not have, give me a short list, 5 or 6 movies that we haven't discussed, if you can.


I think she had to be, based on her behavior towards the end. Maybe that's why she was so repulsed by Ralph initially. She called him a baboon near the beginning of the film.

"Oh God, please give him back, I shall keep asking."
