MovieChat Forums > Robinson Crusoe on Mars Discussion > Way overdue for a DVD release!

Way overdue for a DVD release!

What the hell is wrong with Paramount? First they kow-tow to Spielberg, by keeping the superior version of War of the Worlds off TV and holding back the DVD release, Spielberg shouldn't be allowed to make a SF movie ever again. He shot his wad with CE3K and all his other efforts have stunk. Now they're letting this great movie rot in their vaults. What the hell is wrong with these people? Crapfests like House of Wax and House of 1000 Corpses get released as soon as possible, while an awesome film like this gets forgotten. There ain't no justice!


I am with you....I really would like to see a DVD release of this film....C'mon Paramount....what gives?? This is truely an awesome film!!



Absolutely! We were originally supposed to get a deluxe DVD edition of the 1953 George Pal/Byron Haskin WAR OF THE WORLDS earlier this year, but Spielberg asked Paramount to hold off releasing it. (Maybe he was afraid of the competition?) Fortunately, it will be released on November 1 of this year, on Region 1 DVD. Too bad Paramount didn't dust off ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS and include it with the Pal film as a bonus feature. I'd have sprang for a double DVD.


Amen, this is a great film that deserves a SE DVD. I'm also glad I will finally get my War of the Worlds SE in November. Been waiting for that for years.

I did order a bootleg of Robinson Crusoe from eBay but I am sure it will be a letdown. My only experience with this movie is showings on commericial tv in the '70s.

By the way, does anyone know if the WOTW DVD in November will finally be in stereo?

"The power lines are down, that explains why the lights went out."


it should be on DVD, paramount should bring out on DVD ASAP so more people can see this classic sci-fi movie . Does'nt this movie have "cult status" as a movie with movie fans and sci-fi fans?


I saw this movie myself when I was a teenager ( 30 years ago). I've been looking for, found that this movie and several other of Paramount movies are now public domain.

I was able to obtain a copy through a distributor of public domain movies, I'm not sure about posting websites here, if I can I will post the site or email me. The person who does them has her own website & a seller on eBay.



We could also hassle TCM(Turner Classic Movies). They will put this movie on UNCUT if enough people request it. At least you could get a copy that way. A remastered version has GOT to come out....


C'mon guys at Paramount! Wake Up! I've seen of lot of crappy movies been released so far on DVD but no sign of Robinson Crusoe On Mars! Needless to say that this situation is very frustrating! This movie was part of my childhood and i want it in my personal DVD collection ASAP! Please do something about it....and soon!


I got hold of a DVD of this movie the source was the 1994 Criterion laserdisc widescreen edition, very good transfer i hope one day Paramount will release this on a retail DVD.


"1994 Criterion laserdisc widescreen edition"

Yeah? It would seem then that the DVD should be a walk in the park. Maybe their polls show not enough people are interested to make it financially feasible.


Have to agree with everyone. Saw this on the big screen when it came out, and was lucky enough to get the Criterion laserdisc version (so, why not keep a laserdisc player or two around for those things you can't find on DVD?). I'm sure that the bootleg DVD's made from laserdiscs are excellent quality, if made properly. One thing they probably won't have (unless 2 or more DVD's are burned) is the bonus commentary track and special features that are on the Criterion laserdisc. Special Features include: Commentary by screenwriter Ib Melchior, actors Paul Mantee & Vic Lundin, production designer Al Nozaki, and noted special effects designer Robert Skotak. Excerpts from an interview with director Byron Haskin. Exceprts from Ib Melchior's original, illustrated screenplay for the film. Production design sketchbook. Robert Skotak's article on the history and making of the film. Original roadshow trailer. Publicity artwork and press book. Wow! real Criterion CAV material! If there ever is a DVD I wonder if it will have this much extra stuff on it?


WHEN? WHEN? When I ask you!! Hey Paramount Are you listening?!?!


I corresponded with Criterion, who did the laserdisc, and apparently there is VERY bad blood between them and Paramount. So, whatever the DVD is, it ISN'T going to have anything to do with the Criterion version.

So maybe Paramount has a bad taste in their (legal) mouth about it too?



You tell themm ,,ya,, this movie got heart and good acting and not to put it on dvd is a crying shame.



this is a great film that deserves a SE DVD.come on Paramount pics get going on it..



From the Criterion newsletter:

"This year at Criterion, we’ve had a lot of great releases, and we’re already looking forward to what 2007 will bring. There are many treasures in store for the new year, including some of our latest acquisitions, such as John Huston’s Under the Volcano, and titles from our laserdisc days, like Robinson Crusoe on Mars."
