Thats Funny...hmmmm
Thats funny! I myself wrote directly to Criterion back in late fall..Nov/Dec of 2006 and I was given the response that Criterion no longer owned the rights to Robinson Crusoe on Mars and have not held the rights since their release of the Laserdisc, which I have thankfully. The response went on to say that Paramount had the movie back in it's hands and that they were contemplating some possible dvd release, but nothing was etched in stone.
Now all of a sudden Criterion owns the rights again and is planning a DVD release? They would have known this 6 months ago when I orginally wrote to them or would have at least had some sort of clue or news about what was going on. You just don't all of a sudden own the rights to a movie and announce a DVD release overnight, so something is fishy about this, and I'll believe it when I see it and have the criterion disc in my hands. Until then I'll watch my laser with all it's extras that won't even make any dvd release, ever, just like the Invaders from mars laserdisc, 1953, or the thing from another planet or the day the earth stood still and so on and so on, and so on.