What six-shooter revolver was Cmdr Draper holding?
Does anyone know what brand of six-shot revolver was Commander Draper holding? At first I thought it might be a Smith & Wesson, but then I see it's a break-open action where the barrel and cartridge cylinder break open and up to expose the back of the entire cylinder, as differentiated by the swing-out cylinders of Colt and S & W.
1) The revolver had a long barrel, which looks to be about 8 inches. It's too long to be 6 inches, and looks just too short to be 10 inches.
2) The revolver seems to be slim as well as the barrel, leading me to believe the caliber could have been as small as .32 Smith & Wesson Long, but no larger than a .38 Special or .357 Magnum. Anything reaching .41 caliber and up would necessitate a thicker barrel which would be visually obvious.
3) I'm not certain if the cylinder even holds six cartridges. The cylinder doesn't look big enough to accommodate six bullets. This might be a five-cartridge cylinder.