Advanced aliens tracking Friday relentlessly
I mentioned this in an older post.
The movie never explained why the advanced aliens so relentlessly tracked just one, escaped slave.
I had a theory that perhaps the aliens were actually tracking the Earthman who was with Friday. It's highly possible the advanced aliens did not want Earth to know about their existence. Yet, nothing in the movie suggests the advanced aliens knew of the earthman, Draper.
Another poster thought the advanced aliens did not want their slaves to be encouraged by the successful escape of one slave. However the aliens murdered all their slaves before departing Mars. There would be no living slave witnesses to the escape of one slave.
Still, I could be guilty of assigning Earthman logic to the advanced aliens. The advanced aliens, though appearing like humans, might bear completely different cultural and logic thought patterns than us. The lost of that slave might be such a detrimental effect on their beliefs of honor or beliefs of ownership that they would expend great effects to retrieve that slave.