MovieChat Forums > The Night of the Iguana (1964) Discussion > Shannon Stopping Maxine from Outing Miss...

Shannon Stopping Maxine from Outing Miss Fellows!

After Judith Fellows ruined his life (well he ended up overcoming that downfall really quick!) how could Shannon intervene when Maxine was on the verge of outing her as a lesbian? He showed great restraint because I would have probably killed the bitch with my bare hands! Why protect the lesbian leech pedophile from her own fugly reflection in the mirror! What a loathsome hypocritical religious zealot! It's not like the other women were around and could have heard Maxine's tirade against Judith for screwing over Shannon!


Shannon showed compassion which is something Miss Fellows didn't have. Maybe it had something to do with Shannon's past life as a priest. He was actually following the teachings of Christ to love your neighbor even those who hate you. The most pious conservative so called Christians don't seem to follow or understand this most important of Christ's messages.


That's why I'm Agnostic!


Miss Fellows wasn't aware of her lesbianism, and at one point said that if she knew "it would destroy her".


> The most pious conservative so called Christians don't seem to follow or understand this most important of Christ's messages.

Bingo --- Especially the Republicans


Because he practiced real religion and real morality. The movie is at least partially about hypocrisy.
