MovieChat Forums > The Naked Kiss (1964) Discussion > That evidence it is not incriminating en...

That evidence it is not incriminating enough...

Obviously from a viewer standpoint Grant is perverted. But I feel like the story Kelly told wouldn't be enough to put him away in court. Ya know?


As I just wrote on another post for this film, you can't expect logic in a Sam Fuller film. Your point is one of many which could be made with this film, but I just put any thoughts aside, and willingly suspended my disbelief.


And Kelly would still have been charged with something for killing him, even if he was a child molester. It could hardly be called self-defense. (Telephone bases were a lot heavier back then, but she must have packed a hell of a wallop to kill him with the plastic receiver.)


My parents still have their wall-model dial phone hanging in their kitchen. Trust me, that receiver could pack a wallop if used as a weapon, as could my old Trimline's, which is just shy of a half-pound.


EllisFowler says > My parents still have their wall-model dial phone hanging in their kitchen. Trust me, that receiver could pack a wallop if used as a weapon, as could my old Trimline's, which is just shy of a half-pound.
I agree. I ran across an old phone a few years ago and was shocked at how heavy the handset was. I remember wondering how people could have long conversations, as many teen-aged girls are shown doing in older movies.

I think the fact she used the first thing she was able to get her hand on to kill Grant also helped her defense. She had an immediate and visceral reaction to seeing the little girl run out. Then when Grant's words to her made it clear he had no intentions of stopping.

In fact, the reason he wanted to marry her was to be his 'beard'. I believe the right term for someone who marries to hide what they really are. They do it to try to fit in with normal society; putting up a facade of normalcy so they can carry out their perversion in hiding. He counted on the fact that she also was a messed up person who had secrets she wanted kept hidden from public view.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
