This would be a hard one to re-make, even with the great script, since everyone does such a great acting job here. Also, there are very few great actors around these days. Mostly, they are just "faces." I would have to go with Naomi Watts as the Angie Dickenson character. She has an incredible range and can play it sweet and sexy or psycho bitchy. Just remember her tour-de-force performance in Mulholland Drive. Either Andrian Brodie or maybe Vincent Gallo might be a good opposite to Watts to play the Cassavettes character. You would need someone who could play both the sensitive thinker aspects of this character as well as the racecar driving, risk-taking party boy. The Lee Marvin character would be hard to beat as well. He is so tough as nails! I can only think right now of someone like Wesley Snipes that could really pull it off. Christian Bale might make a good side-kick!