listed to be REMADE?

OMG? REALLY? Come on, Hollywood PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take some risks and do something.... ANYTHING ORIGINAL!! This movie is ok, I enjoy it a little, but WHY remake it? Millions of fresh new stories remain unfilmed.


Any bets. Like fart jokes, Ghetto types in it too.


I'll watch it only if Steve Buchemi is in the lead role, Jonah Hill plays George and Michael Bay directs.

I don't live to be liked or disliked - Keeper of the Purple Twilight


IF they can write a smart screenplay for it and not re-do it for remakes sake, the I might watch it.


Steve Buscemi is a bit old but if he's onscreen as the human Limpet for only a few minutes with good age-reducing makeup then it might work, since he'd be doing voiceover for the rest of the movie.

Tobey Maguire might work also, he has the right kind of eyes and is the right age.
