So who really killed....(spoiler)

I saw this a long time ago and caught the beginning today on FMC. I can't remember did Charlotte really kill her "fiance" in the beginning or did her dad? It doesn't show who did it, showed the dad wandering toward the back house. Charlotte with the blood on her gown, could have just found him. Did she or her dad (or maybe his wife?) kill him?












re: blood on dress.

she would have lost her innocence to John that night at the hotel. instead she lost it, and alot more, in the gazeobe that night. nice symbolism here.


There's no doubt about who killed John--it was his wife, Jewel. She confessed to it in the note that was given to Charlotte at the end of the movie.



Rose for Emily....Rose for Emily....Let's see a demented woman living in a decrepit house dies and has a rose left to her by a salesman who was enamored with her?

