Velma's Name

I've always wondered about this. In some instances, Velma is addressed as Velma Cruthers or Miss Cruthers. At other times, she's referred to as Velma Cruther, without the use of the last s in her name. Is this some attempt at regional accuracy (Souther, French...) or a slip-up?

Any evidence?


Her name is Cruther;she actually speaks it herself when she calls Wills on the phone. Miriam also says Cruther when she first sees Velma. I think it IS a slip up on the other actors' parts.


not the actors's fault, but just written into the script. She was white trash and was treated as such. who the hell cared what her name was, Velma Something or Other in other words.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
