MovieChat Forums > Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1965) Discussion > Olivia de Havilland looked much younger ...

Olivia de Havilland looked much younger than Bette Davis

Isn't Olivia de Havilland only 8 years younger than Bette Davis?

Why did she look so much younger than Bette Davis?

I'm not talking about their appearances in the movie. I saw some photos of them standing together, promoting the movie.

And I was really surprised by how much younger Olivia de Havilland looked.



Perhaps makeup or lightening? If not, genes lol. Though Bette Davis aged rather fast. But her character was deshelved and crazy looking to enhance her creepy factor! Havalliad looked sweet and innocent, proper, well mannered and dresses... Complete opposite of Davis. Works well for the twist!


Olivia de Havilland must just have good genes. But, an eight year age difference at their respective stages in life at that time (Olivia not quite 50 yet and Bette closer to 60 than 50) would be obvious. It's hard to believe but, Olivia is still alive. She was a grown woman when she did "Gone With The Wind" and that seems as old as time itself to me. The last photo of her that I saw, she still looked pretty darned good for someone in their '90's!


Bette Davis has ALWAYS looked older than she was.

You, a salty water ocean wave.
Knock, me down and kiss my face.


EVERYONE looked much younger than Bette Davis. She's the ultimate poster child for what hard drinking and chain smoking can do to your skin and voice.


Scorpio Risings. Worst agers in the zodiac.

LBJ's mistress tells all:;
