
My favorite Velma line: "Miss Charlotte ain't nothin' but a child." The way she says it is just perfect. Agnes Moorehead was superb in this role.




What's goin' ONNNNNNN up there that you don't want me to see??


"So you're finally showing the right side of your face, aren't you?"

The way she delivers this rocks.


"Think I don't know a DUE BILL when I see one?".


as stated earlier, the best line of Velma: "WHAT's going on up there, that u don't want me to see" I still remember hearing and seeing those images of Velma and Miriam way back in 1964 when i saw the trailer at a movie theatre, and also on TV. the DVD of HUSH has those commercials on it, and are fun to see. SO well done, believe me.


"Yo cuzzin Miriam ain't had but one thought and that is lookin' out for HUH-self !" Velma warns Charlotte.


"It will be the sorriest day in your life if she does come"


"Well I'm going into toooooowwwwn, and I'm gonna TELL them watchu been up to!"

That line reading is fantastic, and only Agnes Moorehead could pull it off so well. I have a long running joke with two friends where we always fit that line into conversation.



yew narly beat yer telegram he'ah....

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
