Pet peeve
Good thing it's impossible to take this movie seriously, otherwise I'd be pretty ticked at the sheer incompetence of it all. The perfect catalog of 60's bouffant hairdos adorning all the ladies in the 1920's scenes, Aggie Moorehead's scenery-chewing performance, the long shots trying to convince us Bette Davis is 40 years younger in the flashback, then a much younger actress who looks nothing like her appearing in the medium shot a few moments later…strictly amateur night at the movies! But in a camp classic like HHSC, who cares?
That said, I AM pretty ticked at the use, over and over again, of one of my pet peeves: a character behind a fiendish plot acting as baffled as anyone by the strange goings-on--when he or she is alone! If the victim is present, fine, you've gotta act to keep them in the dark, but when it's just us, the audience (still unaware of whodunnit) and the perpetrator acting as if he/she don't know whodunnit either…well, that's just a lazy, cheating way of throwing us off the scent.