I don't mean any offense to those of you who liked the film, but, it just really left a bad taste in my...mind? Yeah. Anyway, I just feel compelled to let it out on this board, because I was just so stunned by it! It was far to graphic for my taste (I'm not a horror fan), and I only watched it because I know how the old movies are usually safe, regardless of genre. But, not this one---at least, not in my option! It was quite grotesque in parts, actually.
Oddly enough though, I like "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" But, then, there was no blood splatter and killing in that one. "Attempted murder" is not quite the same.
I just think this film was too "on the nose" and not subtle enough when it ought to have been. Just all out gross at times! So, that's why I hate it---even though I do appreciate it as a fine piece of cinematic work, understand. It's just not my type, and rather ill-fitted to the earlier part of the decade.
Crushing on 1970s-80s Lily Tomlin. That smile! That figure! That voice! I'm in-love!
I see that you aren't a fan of my favorite movie. That's fine. But, I just don't see how a movie that shows such sweet love (even if it strikes you as dull and slow-plotting) can be so...hated...all the time, and yet, a movie that has such horror in it can be so loved. Huh...go figure. Not to mention that whether you are a fan of my favorite movie or not, that scenery was heavenly! Beach-front and an absolutely luxurious house! The scenery alone made it marvelous!
Can't say the same for "Charlotte".
"Moment By Moment" (1978), maybe the most underrated movie ever! But, it's my fav! <3
Well, it takes all kinds, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion; we'll just have to agree to disagree when it comes to "Moment By Moment."
As far as "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" is concerned, I'm the first to admit it was mild my today's standards---in fact, as I tried to point out earlier, that it the biggest reason I gave it a chance, because of the fact that it was released in a time when the Haze code was supposedly still being adhered by, here in the States. So, that's why I didn't expect to be grossed out. I only expected that stuff to be implied, not shown. That is also why (if you've read other threads on the topic), mothers would take their small children to see this movie---because not even they expected the overt violence that was present in "Charlotte." So, yes, of course it was mild by today's standards. But, not mild enough, and that's the problem. That's why it was a stunner to so many moms back in the day---and, not in a good way! This film was produced before the ratings system became necessary and the norm. Whole families just seemed to take for granted that any film, no matter the genre, would be mild enough for even the kids to see. But, "Charlotte" pushed the envelope without warning the audience with a proper rating first---it pushed the envelope before it was ready to be pushed. I sincerely believed in the "clean image" of the "Golden Age of Hollywood" before I watched this movie. But, now, I will admit that it has left me a little disillusioned and disappointed. That's why I hate it. Not because I don't appreciate the fine peice of artistic film that it is.
"Moment By Moment" (1978), maybe the most underrated movie ever! But, it's my fav! <3
Well, I'd rather seem not-so-bight than not-so-nice (hint, hint). You don't have to be so offensive---or, is this movie THAT MUCH of a touchy subject for you?!
And, I'm glad you don't like "Moment By Moment." Because at least those of us who do are able to appreciate it by understanding what love and beauty looks like----whereas, you just can't seem to get past conventional ideas of what makes a film high-quality or not.
"Moment By Moment" (1978), may be the most underrated movie ever! May be my fav! <3
Yes, I am projecting my own thoughts into "Moment By Moment" because I can relate to it, therefore, it's touching to me. But, criticisms aside, isn't that what makes a good movie---not whether or not it is "well-made", but whether or not it means something to the viewer? And, it means something to me, therefore, I love it. No-where did I say it was the best movie ever made, just that it's my favorite. That's why I can understand when people say it's boring. Because if you don't love those actors like I do, and if it doesn't reflect some aspect of life that you can relate to, then, yes, I can see how you would call it crap. But, to consider it, or any love-story for that matter, to be among the worst movies ever made, that is a bit much.
Besides, this thread was about my take on "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" and had nothing to do with "Moment By Moment." So, apparently, you have to real argument to counter my criticisms of that film, or you wouldn't resort to such cheap tricks as to change the subject entirely. It doesn't bod well for your intelligence either.
"Moment By Moment" (1978), may be the most underrated movie ever! May be my fav! <3
Okay, let me put it another way: I began this thread as a discussion of "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" Not as a discussion of "Moment by Moment." Therefore, to bring up my favorite movie as a way to criticize me for not liking this one is not very appropriate in my view.
I definitely don't mind discussing "Moment by Moment" -- in fact, I'm pleased to do so -- if the person I'm discussing it with were being more pleasant, and not so combative. You are being completely combative, I guess because you enjoy it, but I don't.
So, the point still stands that there was no reason to bring up "Moment by Moment." It was that which I referred to as a "cheap trick," because it was!
"Moment by Moment" (1978), may be the most underrated movie ever! May be my fav! <3
It's been a while since I've seen "Baby Jane," so you're probably right about the killings. I mean, of course there was horror in it---it was a horror movie, after all. But, it was a different kind of horror---not any better, just different. But, regardless of what I don't remember about it, I will say that in the end, it didn't leave me feeling disgusted, but rather stunned. The plot twists in "Jane" were very intriguing, and I think for that reason, kept me less focused on the murder, and more focused on the mystery aspect. "Jane" was a great mystery that kept me on edge until the very end! And, WHAT AN END! Shocker!
Another reason why I may favor "Jane" over "Charlotte" is that I found myself emotionally connecting to the characters, and feeling for Blanche Hudson. I really wanted things to turn out fine for her, whereas, in "Charlotte" everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE! seemed quite nutty in that movie, from the beginning onward. So, I wasn't as in-touch with the characters in "Charlotte"---even though I felt bad for Charlotte herself.
So, um, if "Baby Jane" is indeed as ruthless or more so than "Charlotte" and I just don't remember, all I can say is that at least "Jane" made me care; "Charlotte" just made me cringe. That's what makes "Charlotte" all the scarier, in my opinion---the fact that I remained disgusted with it the whole time. It's the way the characters were written. Good movie. But, didn't manage to touch my heart (except for a short scene here and there), which is a prerequisite for me to like most movies, even horror.
And plus, like I said, the whole chopping off heads and hands aspect in "Charlotte" is the horror to top it all, in my opinion (yes, even the "din din" in "Jane"). And, Charlotte returning to the party in a dress covered in blood! Left me disgusted for the remainder of the movie! And, when I watch a scary movie, I watch it to be scared, but not grossed-out. Those two reactions aren't exactly synonymous in my book.
Anyway, as is clear, when it comes down to it, it's all a matter of personal taste. I think I'd take the hammer killing and din-din scenes in "Jane" over the hand and head chopping in "Charlotte, any day!
"Moment by Moment" (1978), may be the most underrated movie ever! May be my fav! <3
FilmWelles, it's nice talking to you too. And, thank you for sharing your thought-provoking points of view.
Oddly enough, I do agree with you that "Charlotte" has all the makings of a classic. I do like the film for being well-done, and the story did keep me interested. So, I guess it's more accurately described as a love-hate relationship that I have with this movie. I love it for the actors, the story, and the campiness of it. But, I hate it simply for the in-your-face killing scenes that went on in the film. If it was more implied than shown, I'd probably love this one as much as I love "Jane."
As you may be able to tell, I don't want to hate this movie. But, the blood and decapitation was a little too much for me. Other than that, this movie is quite my style, as far as horror/suspense goes, believe it or not.
So, I think that, in essence, I guess it's not so much that I hate this movie, but that it wasn't what I was expecting---not for the period it was made in anyway. Cause if it weren't for those few nasty scenes, my take on the film would be completely different. But, as you pointed out, they are seen by many as necessary for movie the story along. So, while my reaction to the film would be more positive w/o those scenes (or that horrid song in the opening credits!), I take it yours would be the opposite.
Funny how just a scene or two can effect the way a viewer feels about an entire movie!
"Moment by Moment" (1978), may be the most underrated movie ever! May be my fav! <3
It came as a surprise to me but, I didn't know what to expect with the movie. If you really felt that that was new for old-school films, then you must have just watched family films and not much harsher than. Gore was not new at the time. It was already decades old.