the jokes are all lame

I can't believe how bad this movie is. The "jokes" are all lame, sophmoric attempts at humor, that might have been funny in 1964--I don't know, but they sure aren't funny now.


It takes a little cosmopolitan sophistication, an understanding of other cultures and sensibilities, to appreciate the humor of another time and place.


LOL. There's nothing "sophisticated" about the jokes in this movie. They're all childish puns or crude slapstick. The scene where they were all running in circles on the ground, a la Curly from the Three Stooges (stolen gag?), was so sophisticated and hilarious--for a 10-year old, maybe.


There's different types of humor in the movie. And the slapstick is well done!

My favorite scene is of George Harrison talking to the marketing people about some model they have doing a marketing campaign, and he starts telling them how he and all his friends pretend she's cool for a laugh, but really she's "grotty".


The Beatles had this written for them. They had it all, still do. The jealous will complain.

Not everything is for everybody and humour is subjective.


This movie was most likely made for adolescent girls who were the Beatles's fan base in 1964. This is before Sargent Pepper and their more serious music. They were the equivalent of Justin Bieber in 1964, basically. Why would you expect much?
