MovieChat Forums > Goldfinger (1965) Discussion > Wow this film do not age well

Wow this film do not age well

Just saw this on Amazon Prime and ignoring the story which is over the top "Bond", the chauvinistic and racist acting is very incorrect today and dare I say even in 1964. In what way is holding a woman down and force kiss her to appeal to her maternal instinct an acceptable thing? It seems like rape is ok as long as you are good and the woman fall in love with you afterward. As for the racist part, why were the Chinese dress like they are in the 19th century and running around with their head lowered?


Couldn't disagree more. Really sad that millennials can't enjoy a fun classic movie without getting triggered. I'm so glad I don't suffer from that mindset, must be hell.


This movie came out in 1964......


The stereotypical Chinese dress that you'd seen was still used in 1960s China. There is nothing racist about it. It's simply people in uniform.


Oh god... why is my generation filled with whiny easily offended pussies lile you? The world is really going for the downfall of humanity...


Everyone needs a hobby, some people actively like feeling offended and seek out opportunities to puff up with righteous anger! They enjoy it!


Yeah, I know, and no matter how ridiculous I think it is, I accept people who decide to be offended by everything if it can make them feel better about themselves. What I certainly can't understand: why nitpicking such irrelevant details for the mere sake of being offended? Is this scene SO important in the first place? Did we all really took time to stop and think about it thinking that it was important? Geez, I wonder how people like that can survive in this world.

This makes just as much chance as if I would watch Lord of the Rings, stop at a scene when a woman dies during a battle and then go on the internet to criticize the movie as being mysogynistic crap because they show a woman die. Did anyone even noticed or gave two fucks about it before I came up with this insignificant detail? I highly doupt it.


"What I certainly can't understand: why nitpicking such irrelevant details for the mere sake of being offended?"

Because it makes them feel superior, that's why. If they're offended by something other people enjoy, it proves that they're just more sensitive and thoughtful and woke than other people!

I don't get all worked up about this, annoying though it is. Young people have always had stupid and annoying ways of thinking and acting, the form that immaturity takes changes with the fashions, but the fact of immaturity never does.


Good point.


It was a different time.


So you're just whiteknighting retroactively now? Can't you just cough up a few bucks and get it out of your system with a pro? Geez!


Oh,’s people like you that ruin the fun for everyone else. Calm down and learn to enjoy things for what they are. In this case, a fun-as-hell 60’s spy movie.


Life must be miserable when you're offended by everything, even innocent entertainment movies. I hope you will relax and stop worrying about shit that doesn't matter when you grow up.
