Title of a film

Hi, I rented this movie hoping to see an old movie from my childhood. But this wasnt it!
So please help me identify the real movie. All I remember about is one scene when a huge Roman army marches over the top of a hill towards the enemy army (I think they are barbarians of somesorts). This is all shown from the perspective of the waiting enemy army. First you hear the stomping of the soldiers, then their banners pop up behind the hill. After that, they march into view and over it. They stop between the two hills of the battle field, but only for a moment. Their commanders ride horses parallel to the battle line and then they charge the enemy.

What movie is this?!?


Maybe Julius Caesar (1953) by Joseph L. Manckiewicz. Or was it by any chance Italian then it could be Costantino il grande (1962) by Lionello De Felice.
I could be wrong though.

Martha? Rubbing alcohol for you?
Richard Burton, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? (1966)


It's not Julius Caesar... Havent seen the other one you suggested. Will take a look, thanks. However, Im pretty sure the movie was not in a foreign language and I am very sure it was in color.


Late answer, unfortunately, but: It couldn't be Spartacus? Sounds a bit like the final battle there, from what I can recall.


"Spartacus" has a battle sequence presented like that.


I'm figuring the OP is thinking about Spartacus as well.
