Why no DVD?

With nearly every other major home video label (Warner, Columbia, MGM, Anchor Bay, Fox) putting out their Hammer Films inventory to DVD, why is Universal dragging its feet? They hold the rights to EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN, BRIDES OF DRACULA, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, NIGHT CREATURES, CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF and KISS OF THE VAMPIRE. (Although this last title was one of the films from the Universal library briefly licensed to Image DVD, before Universal began putting out their own DVDs. While the Image/Universal titles are out of print, KISS OF THE VAMPIRE still can be found on shelves for around $10-15.) And Universal also has the Hammer psycho-thrillers NIGHTMARE and PARANOIAC in their collection, as well. (Which would make for a good double feature.) NIGHT CREATURES (a retelling of the Dr. Syn/Scarecrow of Romney Marsh tale, starring Peter Cushing) has--as far as I can tell--never had an official video release in the U.S.. (Although copies do turn up on E-bay, from pretty sharp prints.) You would think, with the technology to make DVDs at home becoming more and more common, Universal would attempt to officially market these titles before high-tech, high quality bootlegging begins. (Let's face it, it's just a matter of time.)


Yeah, I'm sure it will get bootlegged if Universal don't get their fingers out! There is an LD out there, so I'm pretty certain that someone will rip that to DVD.


Do you know if the laser disk had the additional footage included on the initial U.S. television broadcasts? It was flashback footage, showing the mute girl as a child, and we learn she is mute from shock, having encountered Baron Frankenstein's monster as a little girl.


No, the LD is of the theatrical cut. If you want a DVD of the TV version, you'd probably have to record it off cable yourself.


Last few airings I've seen of it, it was the shorter theatrical cut. (Guess that's the trade-off, now that broadcasts of FRANKENSTEIN MUST BE DESTROYED include the rape scene.)


One can only hope that we get a DVD from Universal when they discover the bootlegging of their unreleased Hammer titles. We're not just talking about this movie; I've seen bootleg DVD's of "Brides of Dracula" and "The Phantom of The Opera" being sold as well. Why not make a "Hammer Legacy Collection"? That would be awesome


Totally agree. They also hold the rights to CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF, NIGHTMARE, PARANOIAC (all of which have had VHS releases) and NIGHT CREATURES. You can still find the Image DVD release (letterboxed) of MCA/Universal's KISS OF THE VAMPIRE, price ranging $9.99-$14.99. Excellent image quality, but no extras.
