what was the order of the Hammer frnkenstein films?
shareCurse of Frankenstein-1957
Revenge of Frankenstein-1958
The Evil of Frankenstein-1964
Frankenstein Created Woman-1967
Frankenstein Must be Destroyed-1969
Horror of Frankenstein-1970(Not a sequel but another version of the original Frankenstein story)
Frankenstein and The Monster from Hell-1974
Thanks for your list. I was lucky enough to come across a video copy of Curse of Frank. from 1957....I have an old horror book with a scene from one of these you listed, that shows the monster floating in a large 'aquairium' filled with water, before he's brought to life - does that ring a bell to you?
Do you also remember the one that may have been made for TV in the US called Frankenstein: The True Story? I remember that....and a severed arm crawling across the floor.....just old memories! Have you collected most of these?
The movie in which the monster is floating in the aquairium is Curse of Fankenstein. I can't say I've ever heard of the T.V. movie you mentioned. As for which films I have collected: I have Curse, Revenge, Evil of, and Created Woman on DVD and I have a copy of Must be Destroyed that I taped off of Turner Classic Movies. I have no intention of getting a copy of Horror of Frankenstein(it's junk)but I do plan of eventually buying a copy of Monster from Hell. As well as being a Hammer fan, I'm also a huge Universal fan and have all the Frankenstein films they produced in the 30's and 40's.
shareThanks for the info on Curse of.....
I have it, and it's old, from the 50's! So I wondered if it was as "futuristic" (w/ the aqaurium scenes) film, ie: 60's! If it's the one out of my old horror book, it was before it's time! The other one I mentioned (that you do not know about) was 'Frankenstein: The True Story' - please look it up on imdb and you'll see how cool it was by the comments of those who saw it back then! I dont even know if it's been released on video/dvd at all, so good luck! There were some cool scenes regardless, though it was made for tv.
Thanks again!
"The Film in which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths"
Yes there was a tv movie made entitled "Frankenstein the True Story" which is quite good with very good production values etc. starring James Mason, David McCallum and others, but for some reason it has never been put out on any video medium.
Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.
Thanks, hamtyler75
I came to this board looking for a timeline, too.
Frankenstein-The true story was an American made for TV movie made in the 70's.
It was, of course a misnomer as Frankenstein never was a true story and it bears little resemblance to the source novel.(No bad thing as the novel is interminably dull.)
Released in two versions it ran for 3 hours in it's original form but a little over 100 minutes in the video version. Neither, it has to be said makes much sense. I have yet to see this released on DVD.
As for Evil of Frankenstein, I feel it is the weakest of the series and blatantly contradicts the story of the first film. By this time Universal had come aboard with Hammer, allowing Hammer to use the iconic Karloff make-up---well they made a mess of that too. Kiwi Kingston, who played the creature, was certainly no Karloff either.
Apart from the ever reliable Peter Cushing the film, in my opinion, is pretty dire.
It was nice to see Peter Woodthorpe as Prof Zoltan. Woodthorpe went on to better things when he played Max, the pathologist, in the Inspector Morse series.(he also played Del's father in one episode of Only Fools and Horses)Here he is wasted as a Svengali-type hypnotist who takes control of the creature to fulfil his own ends,(ala Ygor in the infinitely superior Son of Frankenstein made 25 years earlier).
Worth a watch on late-night tv but that's about it.
time flies like an arrow-fruit flies like a banana
Evil of. was different from the rest of the series because Terence Fisher( the director from the rest of the series, plus a bunch of other great Hammer films) was forced to take a hiatus from Hammer films for a while. He then returned for .Created Woman and the quality returned.
TMNT forever!
'Evil of Frankenstein' cannot been in the same series as the others (minus 'Horror of... and '...Monster from Hell') as it contradicts the others. The monster isn't the same one as the first one and the whole flashbacks are not from 'Curse...' either. The Swiss police look exactly the same as the (possibly Bohemian) police from 'Frakenstein Created Woman', despite the fact that '...Created Woman' is deffinately not Switzerland (and the badge on the pickel helmet indicates that it is within the Prussian Empire...not that it is historically accurate). The other films fit into the series fairly easy but this film, 'Horror of Frankenstein' and 'Frankenstein And the Monster From Hell' don't (the latter is the easiest yet the costumes look closer to the perod in 'Cusre of Frankenstein', despite the old Frankenstein perhaps it is set before 'Frankenstein Created Woman'?).
The Count
The Apple Scruffs Corps, 07
I've just jumped on the Hammer film bandwagon in the last few weeks and I've watched all the Frankenstein movies except Must be Destroyed and Monster from Hell. Are those two just as good as the others? I've like all the others except Evil of. because it seemed too much of a throw back to the ones from Universal in the 30s and 40s. While those were really good(especially Bride of.) it seemed out of place in this series.
TMNT forever!
It depends on your tastes. A certain scene in 'Must Be Destroyed' with Peter Cushing and Veronica Carlson puts me of that film as it is so out of place. 'Monster From Hell' is OK but pretty average. I love the monster in it, though!
The Count
The Apple Scruffs Corps, 07
'Revenge Of Frankenstein' is a direct sequel to 'Curse Of Frankenstein'...starting almost exactly where Curse ends. 'Evil Of Frankenstein' is definitely a 'stand-alone' title in the Hammer Frankenstein series.
'Evil' and 'Revenge Of Frankenstein' are basically similar to Universal's 'Bride Of Frankenstein' in that they follow events following the would-be demise of the original Frankenstein monster. Like 'Bride', 'Revenge' takes place immediately following the first movie, while 'Evil' takes place some 10 years after the demise of the original creation (and we know that 'Evil' is not a sequel to 'Revenge' because Cushing doesn't have the tattoo on his arm that he obtained in 'Revenge'). We are reminded of the creation of the first monster through flashbacks in both 'Evil' and 'Bride', and in both the monster was seemingly killed only to be discovered to be still living. Since Hammer (for whatever reason) neglected to use footage from 'Curse' for the flashbacks, and filmed new flashback scenes with a completely different looking monster, it cannot be associated as a sequel to 'Curse' or 'Revenge'. Dr. Frankenstein dies at the end of 'Evil', while the end to 'Revenge' is basically a set-up for the continuation of the series.
So whatever debate there might be about the sequence or continuity of the Hammer Frankenstein series, "Evil" should be eliminated from the debate since it is definitely separate from any of the others.
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Evil of Frank would have been alot better if Hammer would have used the Curse of Frank flashback footage instead of worrying about trying to copy Universal fare. Continuity is important when making sequels. There is good 18th century atmosphere so typical of lavishly produced Hammer productions but story is a bit weak. There could have been more scenes involving mute girl, for instance, and I don't mean those awful scenes put in for the 68 television release. I saw that 96m print back in the early 80s and that only made average film worse!
shareThanks hamtyler75 for this complete list of Hammer Frankenstein Movie Sequels here . I'm not sure if it has been done recently but it would be so excellent if The Svengoolie Show had the rest of these movie sequels on ( and shown in order ) every Saturday night on the channel MeTV ( especially in October that would be ideal IMPO ) . Thanks also to chet19 for your subject post .
You're very welcome.
And completely agree about the Svengoolie marathon.
First I rip your clothes off, then you rip my clothes off, then we rip Lindsey's clothes off.