Becket on DVD

I have been trying unsuccessfully to get this film on DVD, for about two years. I understand, from a couple of other websites, that it was in release on DVD for a short time in May of 2003, but I was unable to find it, even then.
If anyone has any information about this, I would appreciate the input. I can't believe that a film this good should be lost to two new generations of movie fans.


The film is an increadible achievement - Criterion should acquire it for their Collection.



HAve you had any luck yet?


The film has finally been restored, and I hear it will be out on DVD in December '04.....AT LONG LAST!!


Thank God for that.


There was an article in the LA Times on Sunday (6/13) about the restoration.
It's also screening this Friday night at the Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills. I've never seen it on the big screen, and I can't wait!


Unfortunately I shan't be going. Seven and a half thousand miles is a long way to go, even to see the restored Becket. I will have to wait.


Yes, I guess that would be a long haul! But you might be able to find that article online....:)


Did you see the restored film? What did you think?


No, I wish I had! But I had an out-of-town guest coming in the next day, and I just had too much to do in preparation. DARN! But at least I can still look forward to the DVD of it.....


Hooray! Great news! Thank you.


Have fun waiting; I already have it!


I haven't seen this film since at least 1981-83,but I remember it as an excellent film shown fairly frequently then on PBS. I've been wanting a vhs or dvd copy since at least '95. I'm overjoyed at the DVD release in December 04!
I'm definitely getting mine on the first day.
Any word yet on special features or anything?


Sorry to say but there is NO Dec 2004 planned release for Becket on DVd. Despite the mentioned restoration there are no current plans that anyone is awre of regarding a DVD relese. The company that owns the rights has denied any planned release at this time. It is a sheame for one of the greatest filme of all times.


I contacted The Film Foundation and they have set a release of Becket on DVD. Release date is end of 2004 or first of 2005.


Becket's new release date is January 4, 2005. Google the title & you can read the info. No information from Amazon site yet but.....anyway, hope they do a decent job.


I wrote to MPI and received this today:

"We have this on vhs only There are no plans this year to release on dvd Our production department has no information on when this will be out on dvd"


I suggest as you are reading this, to shoot off a polite note to MPI. You might also post the address on other boards that you post to and perhaps something will happen.

[email protected] <[email protected]>


I also heard from MPI they have no intent on releasing this on DVD. To the people who have information about a supposed release...Where did you get it? Are there any sites to confirm it?



i have a copy on dvd, its not an original though, i had it burnt from the video to region 2. cj.smedley@ntlworld .com


I wrote to Paramount a couple of months ago. Their reply was to the effect that they have no plans to issue a dvd of Becket. If anybody is minded to write to them, the address I used was Paramount Pictures, 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90038. The more people who write expressing interest in this film, the likelier we are to get a dvd issued.


Certainly the businessmen who run the studios would love to have the restored version released on DVD; it would be a quick profit for all concerned. But, they have not done so and for pretty deep reasons. I think there are some legal issues about this film that have not been resolved, and a DVD release would only add more problems to this film. I can not say exactly what they are; perhaps an attorney who specializes in copywrite law can give more information concerning this film but I know it was due to copywrite issues as well as film deterioration that it has not been shown on TV since the early 1980s; something to do with the play that it is based on. For some reasons the original print could not be used to make the videotape master; why I can't say. As you can see the videotape is second generation quality. The print was restored (digitally) and a special showing was allowed but this may have been allowed only due to the "one time" use rule (not too certain about that). Anyway, it makes no sense to submit a petition to the studio; they are quite well aware of all the interest in a DVD release. I would love to obtain a DVD of this film, but I guess I will have to wait-like everybody else.

Please remember that copywrite ownership has at times put a pause even in the filming of the James Bond movies and there is a lot of money coming to the studio when one of those movies is released. So, legal problems involving copywrites can be daunting-they even stop James Bond!!


It's finally coming out, May, 2007- check out on!


--there's still no sign of a DVD release yet.


i`d like to get a copy as well... even on VHS, anybody help me!



I suggest buying the VHS tape now. You may not see the DVD for a long, long time.



I hate to say it but...

This is one of those cases, fairly few in number, where the absolute cupidity, arrogance and indifference of the copyright holders/production companies should be trumped by piracy.

I think that most of us would be willing to pay a goodly amount (say the same as for the full boat edition of LOTR or even a bit more) for a world class DVD treatment of Becket. It is not a question of the money, IMHO. The issue is that a bunch of lawyers, with absolutely no sense of immediacy, are simply causing absurd delays that impact the film loving public for reasons that are opaque. The indifference of the production company (evidenced by terse emails) exacerbates the situation and fuels the fires of insurrection.

How tough would it be, honestly now, for whoever has skin in the game to have a press release that states their intentions and the impediments? Is that too much to ask?



Well said!


It has been a year now; and still no DVD.


Check out this article I ran across:

It's what can happen when a journalist calls and asks questions about this dvd release. Sadly, I have agree with his conclusion of MPI. (just look at their website...sheesh!)


Mebbe it WILL come out in dec 2006.


MPI sent me an e-mail stating that they are working on the dvd and expect it to released in the first 6 months of 2007. They said they don't have a firm date yet.


I just wrote to MPI as well. here's hoping they get of the pot.

This is what I sent..

"Mr. Newman,

Please add my voice to those that still wait for a high-quality, respectful
DVD release of 1964’s “Becket”. It’s nearly a tragedy that it has taken
so long (not necessarily your or MPI’s fault) to see this classic film
come to DVD.

I suspect it will sell beyond normal expectations for a film of it’s type.
With only a slight marketing push, word would spread quickly and the
buyers are indeed out there, waiting. The only way to screw the project
up would be to offer it in a ‘budget-type’ version, with few extras and
overly-standard packaging. I’d recommend a royal-ish gilded wrap on
the case, perhaps mimicking Burton’s robe in the latter half of the film.
Or perhaps an embossed cardboard sleeve depicting Becket’s cathedral.
A standard Jewel case and vintage poster artwork would be too simple.

This movie is well-loved enough that buyers are ready to pay more for it.
Given a slick case and a few substantive extras, few would balk at a $30
price tag.

But considering its age, its most diehard fans decrease in numbers daily.
It’s long overdue and additional wait can only hurt sales. It’s time.

And if, by chance, it is felt at MPI that either the project isn’t worthwhile
afterall or is too much for MPI to handle, it only makes sense that it
should be offered to another firm that can and will put it out. I suspect
Criterion would not only be a great choice to have handle it, I also suspect
they’d be overjoyed at the chance to do so.

Please stoke the fire over there and make this happen. We’re all waiting
to click the ‘finalize order’ button."


I have a copy of Becket transfered to DVD from a VHS tape. The DVD only
seems to run on my computer with Power DVD. The picture quality is only fair and
the sound is mono but the film is complete. I would be happy to upload the
files to some storage facility where sensible people could freely download
this wonderful movie. I watched it many times on TV as a kid and on my
visit to Canterbury Cathedral I felt obliged, even as a fourteen year old to
pay my respects to Saint Thomas.


I am also looking for ANY version of Beckett - it's even hard to find in VHS. I once had one, lent it to someone, and now can't find one anywhere. If you do ever post it, please let me know. Any version is better than no version. I am an English teacher who uses this film every year before reading Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral, and am getting frustrated at not being able to find it!!


There seems to be a conspiracy to stifle release of the old Burton costume dramas. Anne of the Thousand Days is another case in point. On the other hand, the infamous Burton Hamlet is high priced and probably has not sold that well. Too bad we have Faustus from Burton but not the others. I found a copy of Anne at a church rummage sale for a buck and missed Becket at an auction. Not even the pirates on eBogg sell these.


i see that vhs releases are available on Ebay but the UK issue was 142 minutes and the USA one was 150 minutes, no one seems to have referred to this, does any one know any reason.

I do A LOT of transfers to DVD , have the USA one but sadly folks, NTSC does not match up to PAL for quality.




Well in the UK they use the PAL system which transfers film at 25fps rather than 24fps so a 100 mins film would transfer to 96 mins and 150 mins would transfer to 144 mins which is reasonably close to 142.

I'm not aware of any "cut" versions of this film.


Thanks, makes sense now you mention it, seems a dvd release may finally be on the way?


I just pre-ordered a copy of Becket on DVD which will be released in Dec. 2007. Go to and pre-order for about 20.00!


Unfortunately, according to information at it is 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio not 2.35:1 (anamorphic).
They've got to be joking!



MPI has on their website a release day of 5/15/2007!!!!


Check out:


I run a video store in Seattle, our distributor lists:

UPC: 030306105390
Retail Price: $24.98
Street Date: 05/15/07
Rating: NR

No listing of features yet.

"Film is a mosaic of Time."
-A. Tarkovsky


I just received email from Amazon confirming a release date of May 15, 2007 and asking me to pre-order. Can this be real at long last?? I'll believe it when I see it. Fingers crossed (again).


Looks real to me and I did pre-order it!


MPI Home Video is producing it and, yes, the release date is May 15,2007:

Cheaper buying it through


The new DVD and a picture of it appears on Amazon. My heart be still!! May it finally be the production we all want.


I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Can't wait till tomorrow, when I will jog down to the store a block away and get it in my greedy little hands....
Like many of us I have waited SO long for this- just seeing the cover almost made me misty-eyed! I saw the remastered version in a theater a couple months ago, but I want that puppy in my possession asap!


As of today, it's officially been re-released on DVD with extras, including a running commentary by Peter O'Toole.


Excellent news! I'll place my order with Amazon today. I haven't seen the film and years, and can't wait to add it to my collection.

I noticed that Amazon sells it in a package deal with "Man for all Seasons." While MfaS was a great film/play in its own right, I always considered "Becket" to be its superior. Unfortunately, "Becket" isn't nearly as well known today.
