distorting history

I will never understand why writers must always tinker with the facts, especially when it does nothing to serve the plot line. Why in the world did they turn Eleanor of Aquitaine, one of history's most brtilliant women, into a yelping yahoo, as portrayed by Pamela Brown? Was it to enhance the implicit gay dynamic? That is, make Eleanor so risible that Henry would naturally shun her, and for a man, no less. Imagine how much more complex and searing Henry's behavior and character would have been if they kept to the facts and provided Henry with another worthy antagonist.


This was a well-known mistake and many fans of the film enjoy it despite (And rightly so, there's so much more to this film than historical accuracy, never was this called a documentary; it is implied its a work of fiction)

I see some people simply talk about historical inaccuracy and make a big hue & cry coming here, but sometimes it looks like nothing but a desperate attempt to display one's hold on history which is impressive nonetheless. I never felt historical accuracy was necessary for this film to be admired - Nothing you call as "inaccurate" has been detrimental for the central idea of the film. I enjoyed 2,5 hours pure artistry, wonderful use of English language and some fine acting from Burton, O'Toole and Geilgud


Nothing you call as "inaccurate" has been detrimental for the central idea of the film.

No, I think Becket's actions are hard to understand if he is portrayed as a wencher with no administrative experience, who could claim he forgot he was an archdeacon of Canterbury. Nor can Henry's actions be understood, for that matter, if they are seen as personal (as I think they are in the movie) rather than based on a long history of church-state contestation.

I realize the "central idea of the film" is, you would probably say, loyalty tested by pragmatics. But in the movie, the burden placed on the men's relationship feels artificial and leads us into parable territory. I have no need to watch a 2.5 hour film that can only offer a parable on friendship, rather than a careful consideration about what this historical episode says about the nature of friendship!

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Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley
