B -Wrote letter to Ebert
Pointless and silly, I know. He probably gets together with his reviewing cronies in some third rate theater and has a good laugh with them:
"Yo, lookit this. Another idiot wanting Becket on DVD. Don't he know that the entire 'Creep Eaters of Maura Tau' canon is ahead of him? Schmuck"
Maybe not but I wrote a polite letter indicating that I had written to O'Tooles agent (no response), MPI (brain damaged response) and Tribecca (oh so precious and artistic non-response response). I simply asked if he could explicate, in any reasonable, rational way what the deal is (I shoulda asked for contact info, my bad). There was no need, IMHO, to wax elequent on the merits of the film: being a film geek he probably could act the damn thing out, and probably does at parties which is why he is not invited to many parties...I digress.
I suggest that we loyal band of aging afficionados write similar letters (via the "Answer Man" on his site) and reference my note and the discussion here. At this point I would love to simply know what the hell is going on.
I own the LD and am going to watch it this weekend. Charming.