MovieChat Forums > Gilligan's Island (1964) Discussion > Classic TV show 'Gilligan's Island' was ...

Classic TV show 'Gilligan's Island' was 'communist paradise'

yeah it seems to show Communision done right and its benefits despite Skipper and The Proffessor being the so called "leaders" they did task around the Island even Mr.Howell was Oligarch of sorts, thank you Sherwood Schwartz for showing what society could be


The Howells had more luxury items and didn’t work. They sat in lounge chairs all day sipping tropical punch. Yes, they were the oligarchs.

The Professor had his own private hut to do his research. Giving the most educated man the biggest hut is more a meritocracy.

Gilligan obeyed the Skipper. They were never equal comrades. Dictatorship.


Nope! Cevin Soling created a documentary about Gilligan's Island and he made-up the "communist" angle to get people to watch.

Gilligan's creator said the show's concept was putting people of different backgrounds together to see how they would get along. No one is communist. Here's Sherwood Schwartz's interview discussing his concept:

Btw, he created the Brady Bunch, too!


7 people a political system does not make.


Only 4.6*. Pretentious favourable review. Director hasn't made anything good.


This was a show about island survival from a shipwreck. There was no Communism vs Capitalism political message on this series
