Youth of the Beast compared to other Suzuki films
Just saw Youth of the Beast. This is his fourth movie that I've seen (Tokyo Drifter, Branded to Kill, Gates of Flesh), and despite what the summary on the page implies, I thought this film had a lot to offer - just as much as his later, more admired films.
The two things that stood out to me the most which Suzuki did a lot in Tokyo Drifter and Gates of Flesh is the usage of color. I really enjoyed the ways he crafted this Navy/Marine Blue, Brown/Burgandy, and White color scheme in a lot of the movie.
Also the interiors in the film were great. Very theatrical. I love how he constantly frames characters talking while some movie or performance is occuring in the background (The pink flower dancer, etc.)
I can't believe he got away with that scene early in the film where Mizuno is called into the back of the club to meet with the Nomoto gang, and there's just absolute silence for what seems like forever. I can't think of any other films that have done anything like that.