One of the most overrated and overacted films I have ever seen!
I recorded this from TV the other night (BBC are showing a Summer of British Film Season to any Yanks reading) and have only just watched it, and after all the hype I was expecting a early 60s British masterpiece, but I felt very disappointed.
I'm not one to generally slate movies for the hell of it, but this movie was extremely dull and slow paced. Don't get me wrong, I love 'real movies' as opposed to action movies and so forth, yet this one just took the biscuit! It was so slow, melodramatic, tedious and off-kilter that is was a real drag for me to watch until the end.
While I applaud the gritty honesty of this movie, however I think that not only were many of the scenes way over the top (the constant rowing at the end, and the hospital scene to name but two melodramatic low points) but both Harris and Roberts acting were also extremely over the top, bordering on a working class version of 'ham.'
I dunno, I just felt let down. Harris was duly intense in this film, but the movie was misdirected and Harris himself was terible in some scenes with his Irish accent really coming to the fore.
I would give this film 5 out of 10. Not a good film in my opinion.
Armstrong and Bain are the true legends