MovieChat Forums > Shock Corridor (1963) Discussion > It made me intensely uncomfortable.

It made me intensely uncomfortable.

Almost from the minute I turned it on, I wanted to turn it off. I managed to finish it but I'm pretty damn sure I'll never watch it again. I'm still trying to figure out why I found it so unsettling, something to do with the seriousness with which they all approached their overacting. That and the extreme close-ups on the faces.

James Best (Stuart) was great, even if I couldn't help thinking, "Coo coo coo, I'm gonna cuff and stuff 'em." I thought Larry Tucker (Pagliacci) was damn good too, it's a shame there wasn't more of a call for his "look" in movies back then. Today I think he could be a star as a character actor.

...I'm not have you aiming tolchoks at me reasonless. It stands to reason, I won't have it.


I think the film was actually very exceptional. It was a dark and strang thriller that is very original. Fuller is often critized as an over the top director but he isnt. He is just blunt and gets to the point. The Film is different from other films of the time and has some sharp dioluoge. I also liked how it had several themes smuggled into it that focas on issues of the 60's. I really tend to disagree.


It made me uncomfortable because everybody is always freaking SCREAMING! What a retarded movie.


Yeah this one was never gonna end well.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
