This Movie Was Hilarious.
my mom and i watched this movie last night, this film just has something about it that pulls you in and you just can't stop looking, cause its so darn crazy! being a little infatuated with asylums i was really interested to see how a mental institution up and running would be like in the early days. but we found ourselves laughing more than anything, don't get me wrong it was very good and i love classic movies but this was one bat sh#% crazy film, you felt like you were going insane along with the main character. but i thought watching a person slowly slip into insanity would be a very unsettling sight, it was a little unnerving but not near as it was funny, some might accuse me of not looking at the film for its artistic and film noir and not having the maturity to appreciate fine cinema bla' bla' bla' but this is just how i felt about it. and i was just curious to know did anyone eles find this movie to be humorous and a little absurd aswell. no flaming please, just honest anwsers. hey! even really good movies can be unintentionally funny