a classic line

One of the best lines in the movie. After Cathy's striptease number (in which she only strips down to her underwear), one of her colleagues in the dressing room says, "As a stripper, I wish I could take all my clothes off." I guess in a 1963 movie, that was as far as they were allowed.


I guess in a 1963 movie, that was as far as they were allowed.

Actually, that's as far as they were allowed in real life, although a real stripper's top and bottom would have been a lot skimpier, perhaps even just pasties over the nipples.

The first completely topless dancer, Carol Doda, began her act in San Francisco (where else? LOL) in 1964. IIRC, topless dancing spread across the country pretty quickly. Gee, I wonder why. 😉 The club where she worked went bottomless in 1969; I assume it was one of the first to feature fully nude dancers.

So, Cathy's colleague didn't have long to wait before she could exercise her exhibitionism to her heart's content. (To be fair, the woman probably wanted to strip completely because she figured the pay would be better, not because she was a perverted sicko who liked getting naked in front of men and was probably one small step removed from being ... a NYMPHO!)


The first completely topless dancer, Carol Doda, began her act in San Francisco (where else? LOL) in 1964. IIRC, topless dancing spread across the country pretty quickly. Gee, I wonder why. 😉 The club where she worked went bottomless in 1969; I assume it was one of the first to feature fully nude dancers.

So, Cathy's colleague didn't have long to wait before she could exercise her exhibitionism to her heart's content. (To be fair, the woman probably wanted to strip completely because she figured the pay would be better, not because she was a perverted sicko who liked getting naked in front of men and was probably one small step removed from being ... a NYMPHO!)

Not that being an exhibitionist would be a bad thing. Today, Cathy's co-worker would have her own webcam business. And be a big fan of the Tinder app. If she was the same age (20s?) today.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
