I loved the cinematography! Perhaps you can help me sort something out. I took a film class approximately one million years ago. I vaguely recall a lecture on the importance of lines, but I don't quite remember what the lecturer had to say about them. The use of lines was particularly noticeable in this movie. I definitely get that the use of angled lines inferred the absurdity of the situation and that the mixture of angled and straight lines added to the confusion. There were also a lot of large lines and tall structures, which I believe were meant to convey how small and powerless our dear protagonist is in the grand scheme. However, I was a bit stuck on the use of horizontal versus vertical lines. In the scene where his small cousin came to visit (in particular) there were many, many vertical lines. It seemed to me that vertical lines were also predominant in scenes concerning the court. However, when K. was alone or especially when running there were a lot of horizontal lines. I have some ideas about what the director was trying to convey, but nothing fully formed. I would love to hear thoughts from someone that knows more about cinematography than I.
TL;DR - What's the dealeo with the use of horizontal vs. vertical lines in this film?