Interesting Question
What does the Pink Panther name have anything to do with the movies?
shareTo put it shortly,
The Pink Panther is the diamond featured in the first film.
The animated Pink panther intro was made for that movie, and so the Pink feline was born..but that is another story.
In the second and the third film, there is no Pink Panther diamond, no Pink Panther in the intro and so those movies does not have Pink panther in the title.
In the fourth film, "Return of the Pink panther" the Pink Panther diamond is back, as is the Pink Panther in the opening credits.
After that movie, Sellers/Closeau and name Pink Panther was so closely associated together that the title remained Pink Panther for the rest of the movies, even if the actual diamond doesn't appear.
"To fight with the feeble-minded is to fight at their level"
What are you considering the third movie in the series. I believe A Shot In the Dark is the second and Return Of The Pink Panther is the third.
share"Inspector Closeau" (cut and paste: )
is the third movie in the franchise.
Neither Sellers nor Edwards were involved in it's production due to internal "creative differences", but the studio made the movie anyway. It flopped, since audiences didn't want to see anyone but Sellers as Closeau. The movie has later been considered unofficial by fans since it lacks Sellers/Edwards...even if it is the sequel to "A shot in the dark".
But it's crap, neither Dreyfuss nor Cato appear in it either.
It should be forgotten, just like "The curse of the Pink Panther" and "Son of the Pink Panther" should be forgotten aswell.
If you go to the main page of this movie and click on the "movie connections" link to the left of the screen, then scroll down to movie connections, all the sequels will appear.
Hi Norse,
<<It should be forgotten, just like "The curse of the Pink Panther" and "Son of the Pink Panther" should be forgotten aswell.>> Norse Sage on "Inspector Clouseau."
What's your take on "Trail Of The Pink Panther"? I don't like it, exactly, but it has some nice Sellers outtakes from "Strikes Again." Do you think it should also be forgotten, or merely considered non-canon?
Hi Slokes,
not only will I give you my take on the "Trail", but on all the movies I think should be forgotten, and most importantly, why. I'll even trhow in my take on the upcoming movie aswell whil I'm at it.
-"Inspector Clouseau"
A nice attempt, but was at the time of release overshadowed by the first Sellers/Edwards movies, and in retrospect, all the others aswell.
Everyone involved probably did their best, but it just doesn't stand up to the other movies in quality.
I think it should be forgotten because it offers no bridge whatsoever between "A shot in the dark" and "return of the pink panther". On the contrary, it seems to take place in another universe than the Pink panter-verse.
Besides, it has aged dreadfully, is not even remotely funny, and in terms of story it is downright least in my book.
-"Trail of the Pink panther"
I won't say I like it, because I don't. However it is an okay way to finish the franchise. We got so much of Clouseau's past and insight of him through the supporting cast that it is still worthwhile.
I did like the end, were he is facing the ocean. His whereabouts is a mystery, but Inspector Clouseau knows what is happening...really this time. He has a a pla, a masterplan, he just waits until the time is right to set things in motion.
That is how I see it anyway, and I think the franschise should have ended there. A decent end.
-"Curse of the Pink panther"
This just makes me sad. Clifton Sleigh is a *beep* disaster, and not in a good way. His bumbling is just embarrassing.
The ending were we see what finally happened to Clouseau has got to be one of the worst endings in history. There is no way they could have done it worse.
Rock bottom of the franchise, should be forgotten because it does nothing but tarnish the name of the originals, and is a horrible exit for Clouseau. Suitable title, though.
-"Son of the pink panther"
I love this idea! Just too bad it is so damn poorly executed. Of all the non-sellers movies, this is the one I like best...or dislike least, however you choose to look at it. Should be forgotten, allthough to a slighly less degree, because it tarnishes the name of the originals, and *beep* up a possible starting point for a new franchise.
-"The Pink panther" (2005)
Bring it on! I love the idea of new Pink panther movies, I love this franchise and want them coming.
I only I have two problems with this.
1.I would have preferred a sequel, this should have been a remake of "Son of the Pink panther". The script could have been 90% percent the same as it is, but that way the originals wouldn't be negated. A perfect starting point for a new franchise, and in the process keeping the originals in the same continuity.
2. Being the remake/reimagining/whatever it is, I would have preffered that Kline and martin swithced roles. I think Kline (who looks the part) would be a much better Clouseau than Martin, who I will never buy as anything but steve Martin with a mock accent.
Still, I really look forward to this one!
I may be overly critical, I know. But I'm still an optimistic towards the new one, though!
Sincerely, norse.
Thanks, Norse. I too have mixed feelings about "Trail." It's nice to see Sellers in his best role, and a few of the bits are good for a couple of minutes. It's like watching a "Deleted Scenes" compilation from "Strikes Again," but the rest of the film feels very pointless and stupid.