MovieChat Forums > The Pink Panther (1964) Discussion > Peter Sellers + John Candy

Peter Sellers + John Candy

I'm pretty sure these two great comedians never worked together but if they had, what kind of movie should it have been? Obviously with Planes Trains and Automobiles, Candy and Steve Martin had a great chemistry. I wonder, had Candy and Sellers worked together what would have happened? What would be the best vehicle for them? Sellers is quite a bit of a magician, so fast in his movements you don't know what happened - complex combinations of movements. With John Candy, it's more of an overall impression, especially the voice and face that works. He's less of a physical comedian, but still very funny.

My accountant says, "1 + 1, 40% of the time, equals divorce".


Sellers and Candy were both very funny but Planes, Trains and Autombiles wasn't.
Steve Martin has never had that thing that he can be naturally funny,as he proved in the 2006 version of "The Pink Panther". He was ok in "Father of the Bride" and "The Three Amigos" but he greatly disappointed me with his extremely poor performance in the first two films that I mentioned.


Why don't you find Planes, Trains ...funny? It is bittersweet in a lot of ways. Humour is a personal thing, but often comedy crosses a lot of boundaries. It seems the Pink Panther got worse and worse as it went along but also made more and more money for the owners.



I agree that Planes was somewhat funny. I didn't bother seeing the 2006 Pink Panther (heard it wasn't that good). But Steve martin is funny. Case and point... The Jerk. Great movie. Funny movie. Steve's funny in it. As well as parenthood. He may not be on the level of John Candy, or Peter Sellers, but he's a pretty funny guy.
But this is just my opinion.


Did John Candy ever team up with Danny De Vito?


Just looked it up, and no, they didn't.

Steve Martin by the way, is noted in the trivia section of his PP movie to have a great respect for Peter Sellers. If this REALLY was the case, he would have never even agreed to play the role.

