Does anyone know where the scene from the car crash at the end (or better know as the old man trying to cross the street while gorillas are driving around scene)??? My friend swears it is a real place near Rome. It looks a little like a set to me but I see that the movie was filmed partially in Italy. Thanks!
Well most of the film was done in Rome, so this one must be also. Which brings up the question: why does Clouseau, a Frenchmen have jurisdiction in Rome?
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The investigation of and intended arrest of "The Phantom" was an international co-operative effort between Italian, French and English (Tucker, representing Scotland Yard) authorities. This was made clear early in the film when all three authorities met in the office of the Italian official.
The scene was filmed at Rocca di Papa,a small village near Rome. The plaza is Piazza della Repubblica. This is a link to google street view. It looks a lot more crowded nowadays.
Thank you so much for replying. That was very nice of you!
I tried entering the link, but when I do add this to google maps, I'm getting an option of three towns- Piazza della Repubblica, Toscana Italy Piazza della Repubblica, Marche Italy Piazza della Repubblica, Lazio Italy
Is it one of those? I also zoomed in on Rocca di Papa to try and find it.
Hi Charlie. Go into google maps and enter "comune di Rocca di Papa Roma, Lazio, Italy" in the search box. Go into streetview and follow the road downhill to the open piazza. (Apparently there are tons of Piazzas della Repubblica in Italy) The fountain is there, that's where the movie sequence was filmed. Looks like they built a traffic island around it. Rocca di Papa is SE of Rome and E of Marino on the SS218 road. Two other streets nearby are via Cesare Battisti and Viale Silvio Spaventa.
Also try putting these coordinates in a google search