MovieChat Forums > Lilies of the Field (1963) Discussion > That it Does Not Neatly Resolve All the ...

That it Does Not Neatly Resolve All the Issues Between its Characters

is a real credit to this film. The film shows how differences between religious perspectives, economic status, race, language, background, etc. do not prevent the formation of a community even though these issues remain unresolved character traits throughout the movie. The rehabilitation of the structure into a bona fide chapel through hard work and cooperation was a metaphor about each character’s restoration from cynicism (Father Murphy), selfishness / indifference (Homer Smith), bigotry / greed (Mr. Ashton), and stubbornness / ingratitude (Mother Maria). And each character’s growth stemmed from another’s willingness to forgive and overlook past slights. It really was a positive story that resonates today, nearly 60 years after it was written.
