MovieChat Forums > Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Discussion > The Problem with makeing a Movie out of ...

The Problem with makeing a Movie out of this Myth

Is that it was the Ancient Greek equivalent to a Justice League of Avengers type story, to the Ancinet all of the Argonauts where big Heroes on their own, but Modenr Audiences will mostly only reconise the name of Heracles (And only reconise it's Roman form, Hercules).

In those movie, We barely see the big Herc, and besides him and Jason the rest just seem like Glorifies Extras.

A long length which a new film would likely have could fix some of those problems, but the Problem of Audience Familiarity would still be difficult.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"



Understand it did I not.


It was all Greek to me....LOL


the Hallmark version is better, it has more character development in it and includes more of the Argonauts (oddly enough, it leaves out Hylas)

I'm gonna die of long hair!


(oddly enough, it leaves out Hylas)

And Ray Harryhausen's stop-motion critters, which had more of a presence than any of the CGI creations in the Hallmark version (me thinks).


thats because it isnt a remake. it's another version of the myth so it wouldnt have Harryhausen's creatures would it?

I'm gonna die of long hair!


The statement shouldn't be taken literally. I was merely refering that Haryhausen's creations had a much, much more commanding presence than any of the CGI renditions in the Hallmark version, so much so that it made me miss his creativity in the later production.



What realize he did not, is that read some of us do ... and also comic books no only, but books real ... educated being it is called.

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


Apparently, the OP doesn't connect with the story because he's not already familiar with all of the characters. I don't know if this means he wants to watch the same re-hashed remakes over and over, wants to watch only sequels, or perhaps both.

Sure there are a bunch of Argonauts, but do you really need to know more than 5 of them? There are 5 important ones. The rest are unimportant to the telling of this adaptation of the story. It seems for the OP, 5 is too many to remember since he only knows Hercules. I don't know what to say to someone who seems to need to be familiar with all characters of a movie BEFORE watching a movie. That's just odd.



That doesn't make much sense to me. If anything the Justice League is a copy of the old myths and legends. And the movie isn't about Hercules. Hercules is one hero in a boat full of heroes. Audience familiarity?? Sounds like you are making up problems to be critical of.



GribFritz2 said:

"Sure there are a bunch of Argonauts, but do you really need to know more than 5 of them? There are 5 important ones. The rest are unimportant to the telling of this adaptation of the story."

Hm, I wonder if your list of five would be the same as my list of five? I'm not sure, but I *guess* your list would be Jason, Argos, Hercules, Hylas, and the villainous Acastus. Am I right?

I'm ashamed to say I can't presently recall the names of the two very cool Argonauts who went down fighting the skeletons at the end. One (the clean-shaven one) was a Spartan, is all I remember.


And I stood where I did be; for there was no more use to run; And again I lookt with my hope gone.
