1955 Ford convertible

Is "It Happened At The World's Fair" the movie in which there is a scene that includes a beautiful mint-green 1955 Ford convertible?
If not in this movie, can anyone identify the Elvis Presley movie in which a vehicle did appear?


And almost a year later,...am not sure, but I think you are referring to Blue Hawaii,...the car Elvis drives all the gals around in...???

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


The mint green car was not a convertible...it was a bubble top car, the GM Firebird III. It looks like a convertible because the little girl is hiding in it and Elvis opens the top to get her out, so it kind of looks like an open car.

If you want answers to your car questions, you come to me.



But what's the car in the first scene when Elvis is piloting the plane? Is that an Edsel?

Spongebob is the Gomer Pyle of this century


But what's the car in the first scene when Elvis is piloting the plane? Is that an Edsel?

It's a 1962 Chrysler Imperial (light blue?). Another one, black, appears later when Mike and Danny are hitchhiking. The two women in it accept Danny's cigarette lighter and speed away.
