MovieChat Forums > The Haunting (1963) Discussion > Just a dated soap opera, shot in infrare...

Just a dated soap opera, shot in infrared film stock.

Scary? Watch THE INNOCENTS, instead.
Ground-breaking? Watch PSYCHO, instead.

It certainly looks like it will be good after the opening montage, at least. It's interesting how many viewers admit this actually put them to sleep.
A valuable treat for insomniacs.
You'll be asleep in no time!

The scariest thing about THE HAUNTING is why anyone would let Julie Harris ruin a film that seemed like it had potential, with her incessant whining, bitching, crying, and oh yeah, "love" for a house. Please - put her out of her misery!

At least she finally died. Not soon enough.

This film is considered a horror masterpiece. Yes, and all of today's modern pop stars have incredible talent, too - if you listen to their manager's promotional campaigns. Both MAY not be true. But you'll have to think for youself to really know, won't you?

Can you do it?

And never ever, listen to the opinions of a strange old man.
Even your parents will always agree about that fact.


You clearly realize your reasoning is shaky.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


Hitchcock, and Kubrick never won Best Director Oscars. Popular opinion kept them from ever winning the award. Other directors were always considered "better" than they were. Like Wise, for instance.

Read some more reviews of THE HAUNTING (1963) from others on this site. Not all agree this film is worthy, let alone a masterpiece. But popular opinion says this is the best psychological horror film of all time.

Popular opinion is very often wrong.

Too bad we can't go back and give Oscars to the two most influential directors of all time. Who were most likely influencing a modern director who thinks this film is the very best.

Popular opinion isn't very Wise, after all.

If there was anything in this film as suggestive as the opening montage, I'd give it more credit. But there's nothing there, and there's not even a hint of what one should be imagining. Even the moods feel faked. None of it works.

And don't ever tell an artist that they don't have enough "imagination" to see what's so great about this film. Perhaps artists see it for what it really is - an empty shell of a horror film by someone who shot some pretty footage of indoor sets with multiple right angles, and Ettington Park Hotel.

You'll never convince me on this film.
THE INNOCENTS (1961) is the better film, in all possible ways.


You just like the sex angle in THE INNOCENTS.

You'll never convince me on this film.

No one's trying to. Although I suspect you're never convinced by anybody on any topic. Always.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


I should have expected a stupid answer like that.


You just like the sex angle on THE INNOCENTS.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


I agree that The Innocents is a lot better than this film. But that's not to say this movie isn't good. I love old horror movies that take place in spooky mansions, especially when they have to deal with ghosts. So both this movie and The Innocents are my type of horror movie. Burnt Offerings is my favorite horror movie of all time, and this movie reminded me of it in that both films had a character who was in love with a sinister house and allowed it to take over their being completely. Plus, I felt Eleanor was a likable character who was very relatable. Anybody who is shy, timid, and feels like they don't fit in could relate to her as well as anyone who feels stuck in a life they don't particular want. So I think the spooky, Gothic atmosphere as well as the likable main character make this movie worthwhile.

I can see why other people might find it boring, but I personally don't.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


To me, the narrative of THE HAUNTING justs holds together better.

Although I respect THE INNOCENTS, not only am I not crazy about Miss Kerr in the picture, the film also seems like a string of brilliantly realized but otherwise disconnected horror vignettes.

I love the look and the feel of THE INNOCENTS but the viewer is left at an arm's length from it. THE HAUNTING gets inside your head and the head of the lead character more effectively.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.





And it's funny that you mention soap operas because while watching this today I said to myself "This movie feels like a whole bunch of Dark Shadows episodes compacted into 2 hours."
