This is it?

I was so excited to see this movie. I love old horror movies, all the way back to when it started. I'm watching it right now. I'm at 56 minutes and it's running while I'm writing this. And I'm sorry but is anything gonna happen in the next hour? So far, it's talking, talking and more talking, and they talk completely random stuff that is not very well written. I've seen the trailer and it looked amazing, especially one particular scene, but so far this is really dragged out and so slow you'd think it's gonna pause by itself. I don't understand the hype about this film. And don't come with the "in the 60s it was scary" argument. The original Nosferatu was a billion times scarier and that was from 1922. I'm open to all kinds of films, no matter when made. But this is painfully boring. I can't believe so many people find this that scary. But each to his own.


I saw the film in 1963 in a Near North Side Chicago theater. It was very effective, but then, I had never seen a Jack Black film and I was not typing my bewilderment into an iPod.

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


It's the wrong Board for that, I think.
There's room for a difference of opinion, of course, but I think the majority of people here aren't going to agree.

No fate but what we make. -Terminator II


Very funny. I've seen enough films in my life, also enough old ones and this one just wasn't for me. I was just writing this here to see if someone felt the same. If you liked the film, then good for you! Maybe I would even like it if rewatched it. I was just expecting something different. There's no need to be sarcastic or cynical in any way. Sorry if my comment on the film hurt you, it's just my opinion, and I don't think the film is bad in any way. It just wasn't for me. I can see how other people can like it. I just expected something else. Wrong expectations can kill any movie, sadly. I should really give it another run.


I don't think it's boring but I see why some would. It's very slow paced and there is lots of talking so you have to have a pretty good attention span to appreciate this or else you'll be very bored. But I like all the talking because it helps make the characters feel like real people and helps us get to know them more. And I love scenes like the door curving and the entire ending so while I can see why you feel the way you do, I don't feel the same way.


Thank you for the rational comment. I also can see how someone can like it. Maybe I should rewatch it, I expected a straight out creepfest. But I'll probably stick to the classics. Thank you though for not being a jerk about it. That's how it should be!


So, it has been 4 months. In your posts you repeated 3 or 4 times that you should consider rewatching. I think you're trying to solve your own dilemma. Did it get any better in your eyes?

I can think of a dozen of more films I thought were overrated but, after some time, and a rewatching, I realized that there was something in the film that spoke to me after all. Yeah, even Magnolia, which I had to choke down 3 times before I honestly began to "see" it.

Log Lady lives


I'm watching it right now. I'm at 56 minutes and it's running while I'm writing this. And I'm sorry but is anything gonna happen in the next hour?

So you were worshipping your "smart" phone like the majority of the most worthless generation in history are wont to do while tossing the occasional glance in the direction of the tv? In between tweeting and texting and refreshing your facebook to see if someone liked your pics of what you ate for dinner and the subsequent bowel movement you were not terrified?

GOSH I wonder why? 
