My current apartment is haunted. Both my partner and I have seen brief glimpses of a figure. And things routinely move.
MY PARTNER'S EXPERIENCE: He was in the bathroom, which is at the end of a hallway that meets with the perpendicular hallway that forms the entryway. Someone walking from the apartment door into the den would pass by the hallway leading to the bathroom. So, he was cleaning the bathroom and looked up when he noticed a figure in a gray coat move from the direction of the front door and into the den. I wear a gray coat but I was gone. And the dog was sitting in the living room shaking.
MY EXPERIENCE: When you walk from the den into the hallway (see layout description above), you can turn right to go down a hallway to the bathroom. And right next to the den door is the door to the master bedroom. As I walked from the den into the entryway, I happened to glance down the hallway toward the bathroom. And I saw a glimpse of a figure standing in the master bedroom doorway. It was a man. About my height. Dark hair. That's all I could tell because when I turned there was no one there.
- I was gone for the weekend and my partner noticed that he hadn't seen the dog in a long time. Our dog is always in the same room with us, so it's not normal when he's out of sight. My partner went looking for him and found that the door to the den was closed and the dog was sitting in the corner opposite the door. Our building has settled in such a way that doors don't stay open (is that really the reason...mwah ha ha) so we have to prop them open. The vase that we use to prop open the den door was moved into the middle of the room. The door was closed completely.
- The soldiers, oh the soldiers. There's a huge bookcase in the living room that goes floor to ceiling. On the shelf at chest height, there are some antique tin soldiers placed in formation. Five standing ones and one that's crouching and aiming his rifle. They're super cool. Anyway, I look at them whenever I walk out of the living room. I mean, they're right in my line of sight so I can't help but see them. Well, one day when I walked by they were all facing the opposite way. They hadn't changed formation. Where they had been facing toward the room, they were facing exactly the opposite way. Of course, I was amazingly thrilled that something had happened to me. It was the second thing that had happened to me specifically (not being told about it). It was a rush to have that contact.
- Soldiers part two. Last weekend was my birthday. On my birthday, I walked by and saw that two were placed the opposite way again. It wasn't all of them like before. It was the crouching one and one in the middle of the back row. When I picked them up, I could tell that it had happened within the last few hours. Our place gets dusty very quickly. Even overnight, we'll have dust noticeably accumulating. But the dust wasn't disturbed and the figures hadn't blocked any dust from falling. Within the past few hours, someone would have had to deliberately pick them up and turn them around.
I'm fine with this kind of thing happening. I mean, he's not hurting anyone. He's just hanging out. He's obviously aware of us. It's not like some of these ghosts that you hear about that are just replaying events in their lives. This former person is interacting with us and watching us. That doesn't really scare me. What would be a deal breaker is if I would see something fully if it actually looked like a real person. Full view. Unmistakable.
But it hasn't yet. He's just our mostly unseen roommate.