MovieChat Forums > The Haunting (1963) Discussion > Has anybody ever seen a real ghost?

Has anybody ever seen a real ghost?

Hello all who are interested in the paranormal. Have you had an experience with a real ghost? A new website is currently being made to convey all things paranormal. We are looking for your stories or to embed your videos. Go to and e-mail [email protected] your complete story to post your paranormal media.

A great paranormal website.



Ghosts are as real as you and me. So yes, I have seen and experienced to many ghosts in my lifetime.



My young brother "saw" our late father in our basement within a month of his death many years ago. My sister saw an owl outside her house a few months after our mother died, and she was certain it was my mother's spirit. Months after my mother's death, after I had moved to a state much farther north of our Mid-Atlantic roots, a bunch of boxes fell in an empty room at the corner of our house. We've since had little things "disappear." A few weeks after one of my dogs died, I "saw" her in my kitchen while I was cooking dinner.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops!


Ghosts aren't real. The power of the human imagination is.

What I had in mind was boxing the compass.


I haven't personally seen one, but I have met many people who say they have had paranormal encounters and I would definitely consider myself a believer in the supernatural.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I have never seen or experienced one.... But I REALLY want to...
This was a great film! SO much better the the remake!

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


I agree that it's mostly people's imaginations that are probably behind most paranormal reports. That and misinterpreting natural phenomena. Just my opinion on the matter. I don't see how your consciousness can survive outside the body and particularly when the brain dies...


I don't believe in spooks. I put all the ghost and paranormal reports and video on the same level as Bigfoot and Nessie the Loch Ness monster. If I spent a night in a reported "haunted house" and got the chills it would be from my imagination.


Pretty much what I think TurtleTommy. I've lived and worked in a lot of places supposedly haunted and never experienced anything. I think it's people imaginations playing tricks with their senses...


My current apartment is haunted. Both my partner and I have seen brief glimpses of a figure. And things routinely move.

MY PARTNER'S EXPERIENCE: He was in the bathroom, which is at the end of a hallway that meets with the perpendicular hallway that forms the entryway. Someone walking from the apartment door into the den would pass by the hallway leading to the bathroom. So, he was cleaning the bathroom and looked up when he noticed a figure in a gray coat move from the direction of the front door and into the den. I wear a gray coat but I was gone. And the dog was sitting in the living room shaking.

MY EXPERIENCE: When you walk from the den into the hallway (see layout description above), you can turn right to go down a hallway to the bathroom. And right next to the den door is the door to the master bedroom. As I walked from the den into the entryway, I happened to glance down the hallway toward the bathroom. And I saw a glimpse of a figure standing in the master bedroom doorway. It was a man. About my height. Dark hair. That's all I could tell because when I turned there was no one there.


- I was gone for the weekend and my partner noticed that he hadn't seen the dog in a long time. Our dog is always in the same room with us, so it's not normal when he's out of sight. My partner went looking for him and found that the door to the den was closed and the dog was sitting in the corner opposite the door. Our building has settled in such a way that doors don't stay open (is that really the reason...mwah ha ha) so we have to prop them open. The vase that we use to prop open the den door was moved into the middle of the room. The door was closed completely.

- The soldiers, oh the soldiers. There's a huge bookcase in the living room that goes floor to ceiling. On the shelf at chest height, there are some antique tin soldiers placed in formation. Five standing ones and one that's crouching and aiming his rifle. They're super cool. Anyway, I look at them whenever I walk out of the living room. I mean, they're right in my line of sight so I can't help but see them. Well, one day when I walked by they were all facing the opposite way. They hadn't changed formation. Where they had been facing toward the room, they were facing exactly the opposite way. Of course, I was amazingly thrilled that something had happened to me. It was the second thing that had happened to me specifically (not being told about it). It was a rush to have that contact.

- Soldiers part two. Last weekend was my birthday. On my birthday, I walked by and saw that two were placed the opposite way again. It wasn't all of them like before. It was the crouching one and one in the middle of the back row. When I picked them up, I could tell that it had happened within the last few hours. Our place gets dusty very quickly. Even overnight, we'll have dust noticeably accumulating. But the dust wasn't disturbed and the figures hadn't blocked any dust from falling. Within the past few hours, someone would have had to deliberately pick them up and turn them around.

I'm fine with this kind of thing happening. I mean, he's not hurting anyone. He's just hanging out. He's obviously aware of us. It's not like some of these ghosts that you hear about that are just replaying events in their lives. This former person is interacting with us and watching us. That doesn't really scare me. What would be a deal breaker is if I would see something fully if it actually looked like a real person. Full view. Unmistakable.

But it hasn't yet. He's just our mostly unseen roommate.


I don't believe in spooks. I put all the ghost and paranormal reports and video on the same level as Bigfoot and Nessie the Loch Ness monster. If I spent a night in a reported "haunted house" and got the chills it would be from my imagination.

Exactly. I have actually spent nights alone in a big house like the one in the movie, that some people, perhaps half jokingly, called haunted. Never experienced anything and never even thought about it much. Sure there were some noises but what old house hasn't any? One guy though supposedly quit his job or refused to work there after one night or something like this.


As i write this a pale figure emerges from the shadows of the hallway. Its eyes are dark hollows, and the crown of its head a gleaming white helmet of bone. It approaches me, stands over me, reaches out to me now! Its icy hand is on my neck! I cannot


I myself am a sceptic, and -for the most part- I don't....however:
The one thing that happened to me that I think may have been 'supernatural' for want of a better word was a black dog I had never seen appear at the family house while my father was in the hospital dying; it appeared on the front doorstep at dusk, and it was a huge, black dog with pitch black appeared the next day at dusk again, and i drove it off both times. it did not *seem* like a dog, had a huge body and the back legs looked straight, almost like human legs, and it growled at me. it seemed almost to be waiting.....I stayed outside on the 3rd day, and sensed it father died on the morning of the fourth day. when i drove it off, it fled to the woods towards a cliff, and where it went, I don't know....never saw it before or after. Could never shake the feeling it was not natural. Later I read about a creature like a dog called a 'shuck' or 'black shuk' that appears before a person dies. That was about as close I ever got to an experience that was un-natural, and I don't care to experience it again.
Even thinking about it now is disturbing.....

I am *MAX POWERS*- dynamic man of action!!


Having never had a full blown experience with the supernatural there is still slight doubt in my mind, however several members of my family have had experiences and they are not the type to make it up (none of them are religious, superstitious, have psychological issues etc). The only thing close to a paranormal experience I have had was on one occasion when I was walking out of my brother's bedroom in my old house on to the landing. It was almost pitch black upstairs as everyone else was downstairs. As I crossed the threshold to the room I sensed something pass me and walk into the room. This is an unmistakable feeling that is hard to describe. I'm sure people will agree with me when I say you can just tell when you are in the presence of other people. It was so strong that I called out my brother's name. Needless to say, when I turned the light on, no one was there. Activity in the house seemed to pick up towards the time when we moved out. I wasn't witness to any of it but my mum, dad and older brother all noticed things, mostly 'passive' such as the intense feeling of being watched or not being alone. Even the cat picked up on this, such as on one occasion when both parents sensed something enter the bedroom at night and stand by the door looking at them, the cat sat bolt upright and looked towards the door.

'I am free in all the ways you are not.' - Fight Club (1999, 10/10)


No - never ....


Just because the skeptic hasn't experienced anything doesn't mean it can't happen. I think, just as Dr. Markway discusses in the movie, there are things that we can't but may one day explain. There's no secret that minute electrical vibrations can cause reactions in the human body. Some of these may come in the form of visual or auditory hallucinations. There are theories of similar reactions caused by other phenomena like magnetism or even crystalline rock like quartz. Ending a haunt may involve no more than re-wiring the electrical system.

