commentary on DVD
As I mentioned previously the descriptions of the DVD on Amazon and Warner Video do not mention a commentary special feature. I called Warner and customer service confirmed to me there was a commentary of all the actors, the director and the screenwriter on both the DVD and the BluRay. I ordered the DVD and have just finished watching with the commentary. While I'm delighted that all involved were still alive in 2003 when the DVD was produced and all agreed to participate in the commentary, there is such a discrepancy in the time allotted to the characters that is disheartening to say the least. Don't get me wrong - I'm entirely pleased to have any light shown on the film and enjoyed the commentary a great deal. BUT the two principle actors are without doubt the women, Julie Harris in particular and Claire Bloom. Both generously give several minutes at the beginning of the film, when each is introduced actually, on their perceptions while making the film, how the interacted with the other principles and the director and interesting tid bits that keep movie fans like me happy. But after those few minutes you hear from the two ladies no more. I had hoped at least they would do a conclusion near the end but no. Instead we hear a great deal from the director which is good, and the main who plays Dr Marquay does perhaps most of the commentary and is very interesting and has some good insights in general. But the thing I had hoped for was perhaps the two women being in the same room at the same time for the commentary so they could bounce ideas off each other about their perceptions of the film. I'm nearly convinced the women contributed their comments separately, probably recorded on an electronic recorder and emailed to the DVD producer. There is no indication they spoke together, in fact from the things they say about each other you are certain they are not together. Thus, while its enjoyable and certainly adds a whole new perspective on a very enduring film that I've enjoyed since the 60's I was hoping for much more. I would still recommend purchasing the DVD if you love this film.