Rather tedious with romantic subplot
I found the Julie Harris character too pathetic. In horror stories I like to see the victim deserve their fate. Here Julie Harris plays an abused character who achieves some sort of deliverance in the end. This would be fine but please throw in some bad guys meeting horrific ends to pay for past sins.
The film also lacked much of a sense of suspense or horror. Abrupt camera cuts don’t do it. I’m not looking for a gore-fest but this movie didn’t get much more supernatural than the door knob moving – by itself! And the accompanying noise did nothing to heighten the effect. It sounded like someone banging on pipes. I think the sound of something scraping on wood trying to get in would have been more chilling.
The director’s interest appears to have shifted elsewhere as we see the various characters hitting on each other. The nephew hits on the Theo who quickly rebuffs him. Starting when they meet and going well into the movie Theo is constantly coming on to Eleanor. The Dr, who seems to be in a floundering relationship with his wife is somehow strangely attracted to Eleanor. I say strangely because he obviously sees she is not playing with a full deck, which he finds attractive, but then quickly moves to dump her when he realizes how many cards are missing.