12 years ago I would've been in that age bracket and I don't think I should've rated it so poorly. Now in my 30s I just finished watching it today and gave it an 8/10 rating and found it to be similar in it's grand epic telling of family and the changing of times as Gone With the Wind.
But I also first watched Delon's Purple Noon 15 years ago which I found boring but having rewatched it recently, my opinion has changed 180 degrees. I don't think it's age though but time, there are some films that need time or needs the right time to sink in. And strangely enough I found Purple Noon on my second watch to bare similarities to The Godfather in it's mood, atmosphere, and Rota's music. TGF is a film I saw as a child and learned to love in my teens so that also needed time for it to sink in.