When i watch this scene, i didn't laugh at all, later i found out that this is one of the funniest quote of this film. Would you guys explaind it to me.... I feel like an idiot...
It's the War Room, so they shouldn't be allowed to fight in the War Room, should they?
I blatantly ripped off this line in an earlier version of one of my stories, "A Fine Day for a Beheading". The story is basically "Dr. Strangelove does the War on Terror":
My scene was set during a briefing in Intelligence Services at the FBI, and these two generals are behaving so ridiculously stupid that the Deputy Director storms up to them and scolds them:
"Generals, you can't behave like that in here - this is Intelligence Services!"
However, I subsequently deleted it out of deference to Mr. Kubrick, and substituted: