Comedy or Horror?

Deep question is deep.



Too deep for you.

Just look at that parking lot!


feels like a horror to me when you start realizing everyone is doomed and it's a lose-lose situation for the entire world's populace thanks to the actions and responses from a handful of morons in positions of power.


It's a dry satirical comedy because the actions of the morons in charge are intentionally absurd. It wasn't intended to be a believable scenario. Riding the bomb was just the icing on the absurd cake.


Isn't the message though that all of humanity, particularly those whom we choose as leaders are precisely absurd?

To me if you analyze the film to any degree beyond its surface "genre" it is most certainly a despairing look at know kinda like all of Kubrick's films.


Isn't the message though that all of humanity, particularly those whom we choose as leaders are precisely absurd?

Yes, and in that way, it's both a comedy and a tragedy.

My real name is Jeff


It's a black comedy, so I'd say it's both. It took a subject (nuclear war) that scared everyone to death back then 24/7 for years on end, and decided that people should lighten up about it. But it's not just adding humor to a serious topic, because it ends with humanity dying a slow death from a lethal cloud of radiation that will render Earth uninhabitable for 100 years.

Granted, the whole movie is pretty damn funny but in the background there's always the thought that every one of them is probably going to die slowly and painfully on the surface, or die underground in a mineshaft where all these former leaders of civilization are living in a perpetual orgy masterminded by a former Nazi scientist.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


i don't at all think the point is to make 'people lighten up about it'.
i think quite the opposite...

Its using humor, but in a way to make the viewer contemplate the absolute horror.

The whole premise here is that something like this 'could' happen.... Sorta like the movie War Games or even Crimson Tide.

Basically, there are checks and balances in place that would presumably stop something like this from happening, but ultimately, there are humans involved. And you can't predict humanity... Someone can go rogue, or hack the system, or not do their duty out of fear.

But if you remove humans out of the equation, then you get The Terminator films. There's basically no winning, either way.


It's interesting that it was originally intended to be a very serious movie, without any comedy. That would have been a really heavy movie if it played out the same way.


In a theatrical sense, a comedy is a story with a happy or successful ending, no matter the journey taken to get there.

This film is certainly not comedic, as its ending isn't funny or successful. It's a tragedy, for sure.

Now, a comic story is a funny journey, or full of funny situations, along the way.

This is clearly a comic movie, through and through.

So it is a comic tragedy.



Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I finally saw this for the 1st time yesterday. It's nice how much it exceeded my expectations. I also appreciate the perspective of the humor. For me it seemed more like "things have gotten so crazy all you can do is laugh".

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