Megadeth name origin?

When General Turgidson is in the War Room, the notebook binder in front of him has the title of "World Targets in Mega Deaths." When I saw this, I wondered if Dave Mustaine named his band Megadeth after this line (since he also frequently named the band's albums after quotes). Anyone knows if my suspicions are right? Or the name "Megadeth" was inspired by something else?


Megadeath is a real term not born in the movie. I doubt he got it from seeing the movie.


The term "Mega Deaths" from Gen. Turgidson's binder was a real word from some book about nuclear war (I can't remember what's called), which took the idea of calculating the huge numbers of people killed in a nuclear holocaust and made it something more calculator or computer-esque. Almost like the military was trying to take the sting out of the consequences of a nuclear war or something by instead of saying "3 million people died in San Diego" getting to say "3 megadeaths reported in San Diego."

I'm not particularly knowledgeable about Megadeth or any other rock band, but I assume that the band possibly wanted to take a word like "Megadeath," which is attempting to whitewash a horrendous loss of human life, and use it to kind of illustrate the contradictory and almost nonsensical nature of the word.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


Given that Megadeth is a trash metal band, I doubt that they took it for their name with any moral purpose, but for sheer shock value! :P But thank you for your explanation ^^


If I'm not mistaken, Dave talks about the name in their VH1 Behind the Music. I believe I remember him saying he saw the word in a newspaper and thought it looked or sounded cool.


Sounds like something Dave would do...taking his band and the albums' names out from newspapers and billboards and things like that.

I guess he also said he took the title "Rust in Peace" from a car sticker


The Megadeaths was one of the names used by Pink Floyd before settling on their permanent name.
