A Funny Story
So awhile ago I was in a drug store in Hollywood. Right by the check out counter there was an aisle of DVDs. They were all really bad movies and all for like $1 or 2. But then I came across a package called Chilling which was 20 horror movies for $10. So I pick it up and I buy it because it has Night of the Living Dead and a few Vincent Price movies on it. About a year later I was just looking at movies and directors on the internet like usual when I noticed Francis Ford Coppola's debut was a film called Dementia 13. The title jumped out at me because I had known that I had heard that name before. I couldn't remember where so I just forgot about it. Then about another month later I was looking through my DVDs and saw that in this $10 collection of crap (with a few gems in it) was Francis Ford Coppola's Dementia 13. My luckiest find ever (except maybe when I found Dog Day Afternoon, Malcolm X, and Boogie Nights all for 8 bucks each).
My three favorite films (order changes): Vertigo, Taxi Driver, and 2001: A Space Odyssey