Two BIG questions...

One of which somebody already asked: why didn't they find John's body, typewriter, suitcase, etc. when they drained the pond? (Someone answered that it was a different pond in a different country; it was NOT a different country, and I'm pretty sure it was the same pond.)

My other question: was this movie ever "colorized?" I seem to remember seeing it in color (bad, washed out color) many years ago...


Haven't seen this movie in a few months but I'm pretty sure that it was a completely different pond/lake because then she went to the mansion and there was a pond there as well. They may have shot in the same pond while filming the movie but I'm pretty sure the ponds are supposed to be in different locations while you're watching the movie.


I can only answer the first.

It was a different pond. If you noticed the pond which was drained was rather small and had no dock.
If it was the same lake it's very possible that Billy removed it, the actual finding of his brothers body could have been what set him in to the "insane mood".

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


For christ's sake, put spoiler in the title you bell end!!

"A little plumbing! Got to plumb! Plumb the depths! The depths of hell!"



Why not? If you haven't seen a movie yet, you don't want the ending revealed, no matter how old it is. If you think differently, you can explain, but it seems like the argument that you can freely give away the ending of movies that a person hasn't seen and was made before the person was born uses very faulty logic.



My own rules are that I never look at IMDb message boards or trivia sections until I've seen said film. I avoid trailers as well cos they give too much of the plot away.

Having said that, I couldn't resist taking a peek at a couple of the Prometheus trailers. Wish I hadn't now, but it does look fantastic.

"Trying is just the first step towards failure."


For those who haven't caught the drift of IMDB, there are TWO sections - the REVIEW section and the DISCUSSION section. You are required to warn of spoilers in the REVIEW section or risk being black balled. No such requirement exists for the DISCUSSION section. If one THINKS about it for more the two seconds, DISCUSSION is just that. How are supposed to DISCUSS a movie without possible spoilers? It's INHERENT in the basic concept. You can't expect a board designed to DISCUSS a movie to require "spoiler" be inserted. You'd be "spoilering" until the cows come home.

Some people are afraid of the unknown. I don't know why, and it scares me.


Yes, someone released a really lame "3-D" version of this flick that had been poorly colorized.


John was left in a lake, with a dock and which was large enough to accommodate a rowboat. The pond that was drained was quite small.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Uhm... because John died in a lake in the US while the family pond was in Ireland.


I actually thought the pond was at castle to and here is what made me question Bc she put the letter she wrote 'from John' to the mother under neath the moms door in the middle of the night,( no address just said other on it and was slipped under the door!?) then at breakfast the mom asked why he had to leave so urgently, and then had that convo about how she could stay there for awhile. She couldn't of made it from NY to Ireland in just a few hours and even if the movie wanted you to think she did how does her outing th letter under the moms door right after she types the letter and packs the suitcase, on her way out to throw the suitcase in the pond she slips the letter under the therefore she had to have been staying somewhere at the castle or on the grounds.
