I don't understand the ending. Honestly, I'm not a stupid girl.. but I just couldn't follow the end of this one. I know it was an early work and extremely low budget, but the plot seemed to jump all over the place. Of course, I did watch it on Trio and they might have cut some things...
The accent and low tone of the family doctor didn't help much either. Did they ever explain the Kathleen-corpse? Is everything so painfully obvious and I just can't see it? Can anyone explain the ending to me?
What exactly don't you get? I'll try to explain a few things, at least my interpretation of what happened.. the DVD version I own is pretty dark and it was hard to tell what's going on sometimes.
That's not Kathleen's corpse, it's a doll the guy made of her. The doctor is basically a smart ass that likes to play detective cuz he leads a very boring life. He does of course figure out a lot of what's going on. I don't remember the characters' names, but that younger brother that has flashbacks of his childhood with Kathleen has constant nightmares. He lives with the heavy burden of guilt and feels that he's the cause of Kathleen's death. The doll is the only thing he could cherish because it resembles her the most, so when someone tried to touch it he got really pissed because of his guilt.
hmm.. I probably left out a few things, remind me..
geez it's all so obvious you know, how can you not get it?! psh..
Okay, that's what I thought. I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue towards the end and yes, the picture quality is sort of dark. I understand now. Thanks a lot.
What I'd like to know is why the doll is just being left all over the place for people to find. It's as though Billy knew where people would be and kills them there. I mean, the doll was under the pond!!! why would he put it there? Then it was just sitting in a feild, next it was in Kathleen's playhouse, and then in that little shack with louise's corpse.
When there is no more room in Myspace, the geeks will walk the Earth!
It's a wax doll, he threw Kathleen in the pond and therefor killed her and just ran away instead of trying to save her. So it's his fault she died and he couldn't stand the guilt. He made a wax doll of her and as overprotective bc in his mind this was a Kathleen he could protect (bc he's a nut job!) he didn't leave it around for people to find, he kept hiding it and people kept finding it so he killed them and moved it (that's why Louise died she saw it in the lake, old Simon bc he found it in the hole) then the mom found her in the playhouse but I don't know if he did try to kill her or not but he did smash the ax all around her so she either got away or he didn't want her to die so he scared her off? Either way after anyone got close to the truth or after each person found the doll they died, or scared off and then he moved it again to a new spot.... So billy killed Kathleen as a boy went looney toons and thought his wax doll was real and had to protect it. Got it?
congratulations, Kaysild, you may be the only person in the whole world who has perfectly understood the plot of Dementia 13. i've watched it several times and i sure didn't. thank you.